I Think It's Time For A Little Less "Hype"

Last Update: February 03, 2010

Like many of you out there I am on several of the "big time" "super affiliate" marketers mailing list(s).  Every day I receive from 5 to 10 emails touting the newest, best, different from all of the rest, have to buy today or loose out - income producing system.

I know that times are tough, but the claims being made by some of these sellers often makes me laugh.   Of course the income claims are nothing new - we all take those with a grain of salt, the one that gets me the most is when the seller says - "This is Push Button System",  implying that all you have to do is push a button and magically the money will just flow in.

I feel it's time to be brutally honest with all of you out there, especially the newbies - "There is no such thing as a push button system" and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be saving time and money and start building your own business.

 The cold hard truth is Internet Marketing is not just pushing a magical button causing money to start falling from the sky directly into our pockets and bank accounts.  It requires an investment of time and effort and I think these "guru's" should be honest about that, it would not only help there credibility, it would help the industry as a whole.

Having said that though, here are some truth's about IM - Yes you can make a lot of money with not a lot of work, but it will require work to set up and usually ongoing work to keep the income flowing in.

 IM is not about working hard, it is about working smart - like most things, the more time you invest in it, the more you will get out of it.  It's not magic or simply pushing a button.

Thanks For Reading.


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Slugger_mn Premium
I couldnt agree more, and I have on of those products now.. accept you wont find one of those pitches on our site.. What ever happened to the low pressure sales? I know I am still a young pup... But I still believe that if you work hard and keep working hard that people will see that in you, and for that reason chose to take your advice.. I mean after all credibility to me is the strongest sales pitch of all.. If you read a merchant page, and there is honesty and credibility, then you have a better idea of what you have the "opportunity" to purchase.. Low pressure is the way to go.. honesty is the way to go.. I get sick of all the games with these "systems"... Unless the "system" includes hard work, honesty and structure.. It is just another "system"... But what do I know ... haha
idm Premium
It always lends more credibility to the marketer when they tell me up front that there is some work involved. Even outsourcing a job usually takes some work in the beginning, at least if you want it done efficiently.
JaredB Premium
Great post to keep my Newbie head on straight!
Steve L. Premium
Thanks MrStealth!
I just joined few minutes ago. I understood before I joined that this is not a push button system and WILL take effort.
I see that you joined back in December. Let me know you have any suggestions on getting started.
Thanks Steve L.
Studlyload Premium
You hit that nail right on the head! Like anything worth having or eating, only time, proper action, and attention to detail make for a good IM experience.