Multiple Streams of Income

Last Update: February 09, 2010

Making money on the internet takes a special mindset.   A mindset that takes a while to develop and adopt.  Fail to make the adjustment and you become just another statistic - make the adjustment and you achieve success.

This adjustment is hard If you come from a traditional view of marketing and making money.  That is because Internet Marketing is a whole different animal than what you are used too - you are going to have to change or "shift" your way of looking at things in order to be successful.

One of the most common mistakes I see "newbies" making is trying to "hit a home run".  They want to create and build 1 huge site that makes a ton of money for them.  They then devote all of their resources (time and money), and put all of their eggs into 1 basket.  

In my opinion, the best way to make money through internet marketing is just the opposite.  The key to success (as well as being much easier) is having a bunch of smaller sites, each making a little bit of money.  The cummulative effect of which far exceeds the income from any 1 site you could ever build.   Taken individually, the site's don't look like much - add them all up though, and now you have something!

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