Starting At the End and Working Backwards!

Last Update: January 12, 2010

Greetings Everyone -

 I had mentioned in an earlier post that for years I had been buying Internet Marketing courses yet never put any of the techniques I learned into reality.  I was overwhelmed with information, techniques, products, systems, etc that I literally was paralyzed - I didn't know where to start.

So, what did I do ??  I decided to start and the end and work backwards!

Here's what I mean..

I decided to sit down and ask myself "what kind of income would you like to generate with your internet marketing business ?"  and "What would that business look like ?"  

See, if we don't know where we want to end up, how are we ever going to get there ?

I decided that #1 - I would like my business to generate at a minimum, $4,500 per month and #2 - The business could be operated from anywhere in the world that I could connect to the internet.

If I achieved those 2 goals, I basically would have independence - financial independence since $4,500 would meet and slightly exceed my monthly obligations and #2 - Since the business could be operated from anywhere in the world, I and my family would be able to travel, vacation, visit, etc and do the things we want to do, when we want to, without being tied down or controlled by anyone.  Independence!

Once I had a clear picture of where it was I wanted to end up, all I needed to do was work backwards.  Also, since my desire to seek independence was so strong, it became a driving force to get me to take action.  In addition, anytime I get depressed, off track, etc I remember what it is I am trying to achieve and quickly I get back on track.

Stay tuned for Part 2 - "Working Backwards"


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