Revising my 2010 Goals - Upward!!

Last Update: January 10, 2010

I have been thinking a lot about the goals I had set for my self for 2010.

I think all of the negative "news" I had seen over the past year really got to me and thus I set my goals lower than I normally would based on that, instead of setting them for what I truly want (and think I can) achieve.

The local economy around where I live is not great right now - lot's of small businesses closing, people loosing their jobs.  Local & state government falling short on their budgets - raising fee's on everything to make up the difference.

We all know about the national situation.  We also know we haven't seen the end of it, and worse things may even be in the future.

So, I set my goals based on those factors.  I think that was a big mistake!

See, the local economy does not affect my business in any way from an income standpoint, since that is not my market anyway.  It only affects my business from a mental standpoint, and that of my friends & family members who work here locally.

While the weak national economy has some impact on my business, the economic conditions of our nation is also presenting us with a tremendous opportunity - because things are tight everywhere, there is a tremendous amount of people who are looking to supplement the family income by a few hundred dollars or more per month.  What better way to do that then through internet marketing!

There is no reason 2010 should not be my best year ever.  Will I need to work smarter - Yes!  Will I need to work a little harder - probably.  Will I need to go after a few different Niches - Yes.  But you know what ?  That is true for any year and any market condition.

The days of doing the same thing the same way are done!  We need to be fast & flexible.  To be able to respond to changes in the marketplace as they happen.  And I can, And I will!

Take Care,

 Mr. Stealth

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