ClickBank Check on It's Way!!

Last Update: January 08, 2010

OK, so last night I logged into my Clickbank account to check on some links for some products I was working on.  I decided to take a peak at my earnings report(s).  Low and behold my account indicated that a paycheck was sent out on the 6th!  Wow!  Was only for $47, but, a check is a check!

 Also made 3 other sales through paypal - 1 for $16.99, 1 for $19.99 and 1 for $49.99. - all for information products so those are net income numbers.

 The efforts of my work are starting to trickle in, time to ramp up my efforts and see what I can accomplish.

 My immidiate goals are a minimum of $100 - $150/day Net Income (From Information Products) and continue to build my opt-in list.  I want to get my list to a minimum of 10,000 names as soon as possible!

 Thanks for reading - have a great weekend - and Good Luck to All of You!

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