Posts by 1courage 49
November 13, 2009
I started my 3-day work week again.  It seems to come faster each week.  I know I'm imagining it.  I stayed on schedule today.  I researched just over 40 keyword phrases to see if I could come up with a winner.   Out of those 40, I just came up with one promising keyword phrase.  Oh well, I wrote up a large list.  I will research some more tomorrow.
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November 12, 2009
Yesterday, I wrote & published an article & today I did the same thing using a different keyword phrase.  So I have two days in a row of getting articles written & published on Squidoo.  I wouldn't call that a milestone, but I'm trying to work on consistently getting articles out.  I read somewhere that Potpiegirl has some written material she is selling about how to improve your results with Squidoo.  I will look for that information.
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In one day, I researched keywords & came up with two promising keywords.  I wrote one article & just published it with Squidoo.  This is about the 4th article I've completed, but the 2nd one I've actually published.  My article ideas are becoming more smoother and quicker than before.  Last night I thought of an even better way to come up with article ideas & then get them typed up in a more efficient manner.  My perfectionist-writing mentality kept holding m
November 09, 2009
Well, I'm back to writing my articles.  Started planning another article last night and today, I've been writing it and should be done with it pretty soon.  I was hoping to complete one article a day, but having trouble fitting the information I provide with the limitations of the keywords I have chosen.  I guess I'm always second guessing myself.  I'll start writing an article & then realize that I haven't provided enough information about the specific keywords I have ch
I’m a little behind on my “1 article-on-my-days off” plan.  Yesterday was my first day off, and I’m usually so tired after working the three days.  The job isn’t so physically demanding; it’s just emotionally draining. Today I wrote another article, even better than the last one.  I have to say, I’m getting better on article writing and keyword research.   I have to admit I was very intimidated by keyword research when I first started WA.  I wasn’t su
October 31, 2009
Since yesterday, I've been working my full time job, so I haven't been doing a lot on WA.  Starting Monday, I will get into writing those articles.  I plan to write at least one article a day, four days a week.  Those will be the days I have off.  On the days I have to work, I will just search for keyword phrases. Though I didn't do anything with WA yesterday, except visit my space & respond to posts, I was in an ambitious mood.  I read a good article on Squidoo abo
Yahoo! I finally completed my first Squidoo Lens.  I'm relieved to have accomplished it.  Since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my writing, I already noticed some errors, but I just wanted to get it published so that I could say I did.  I will edit it more another day. 
October 29, 2009
Yes!! I submitted my article to Squidoo, and Squidoo actually accepted without a spam warning.  So my plan to create a new article worked out.  I completed the introduction & the text modules.  I will figure out the RSS feed later.  Once that RSS feed is set, I will publish my article.  I'm a little behind on my plans.  I thought this last Monday would be the first day I start writing one article a day.  Well, as soon as I get this Squidoo thing down, I sho
Yes!! I submitted my article to Squidoo, and Squidoo actually accepted without a spam warning.  So my plan to create a new article worked out.  I completed the introduction & the text modules.  I will figure out the RSS feed later.  Once that RSS feed is set, I will publish my article.  I'm a little behind on my plans.  I thought this last Monday would be the first day I start writing one article a day.  Well, as soon as I get this Squidoo thing down, I sho
October 28, 2009
Whew! This is the third blog post in 24 hours.  I don't think I've done that before.  Well I'm just happy about my progress today.  I have the majority of my article completed.  I'm much more happier with this article than the last one.  It seems more focused and it definitely has more substance.  Though my overall progress is much slower than I intended, I'm amazed that in one day, I found suitable keywords, completed the proper research, and almost completed my ar