Posts by 1courage 49
I included one of my articles that I had written weeks ago and attempted to publish it on Squidoo, but Squidoo warned me that it was deemed possible spam.  I requested that the article be hand reviewed by Squidoo personnel.  I informed Squidoo personnel that I am purposely promoting a business as many people on Squidoo are and that Squidoo allows this.  (The promotion of Squidoo states as such).   I believe I stated my case very well.  My article is not spam.  It
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OK this is the last time I'm going to mention Member Rank for a while anyway.  When I entered WA just a bit ago, I believe I was around 4400s.  Then I posted a too long response to Jatdebeaune's thoughtful post (which I should have just PM'd her).  When I refreshed my page, I jumped up to 247! Wow!  I wonder if my lengthy post could have anything to do with it. I got some great information concerning Member Rank from Skybound  and Amazing1, so I understand a little bette
Yesterday I believe my Member Rank was 256 if I remember correctly.  Today it's way down to 4510.  It's probably because I haven't done a lot on WA in the past couple of weeks, but to drop that much overnight is surprising.  I started laughing at my own fall.  I still don't understand how the Member Rank is determined.  I was surprised that I was in the upper 100's for so long.
I am basically done with my intensive review of the training material.  It helped a lot as I’ve explained in previous posts.  I wrote another article today.  I am not writing as many articles as I wanted, but I am finding that each time I write, it gets easier and easier.  As my last one, the one I wrote today was also very good.  It was even better than the last one. I knew I had it in me.  I enjoy writing and I wanted to enjoy writing articles.  At first,
December 10, 2009
I hadn't been writing in a while because as I've stated in previous posts, I've been intensivley reviewing the training material.  My articles were missing quality content.  It took me enough time between working, running errands & Christmas shopping on my days off, & trying to find time to absorb this information.   The review has allowed me to see what my articles were lacking.  Today I started on another article.  I love this article!! It's my best one y
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December 02, 2009
I haven't been writing a lot of posts lately because I've been intensely reviewing everything & learning new things.  I am much more organized now & have a better idea of what I'm doing especially with writing articles.  I have set-up a better system to guide me to the various steps.  Before, I kept getting confused on what to do next or I missed something (organization before wasn't as effective).  I think by next Monday I will start writing more articles.  Then
November 24, 2009
I had a bunch of errands to run yesterday so I didn't get to work on WA.  I sure made up for it today.  I've been sitting here for hours still intensly reviewing the training material.  I got a little bored with it after a while and decided to do something else to keep my focus, so I decided to start writing another article by applying all I've learned so far.  I got a good start on this article.  This one has more depth, more conviction than any article I've written bef
November 20, 2009
I realize I haven't posted much in the past week.  I haven't written any articles recently, but I've worked more diligently and with more focus earlier this week than I have since I've joined WA.   I'm attempting to get a better understanding of how all this works.  I spent 3 to 4 hours each of the four days earlier this week completely absorbing the Research section of the training material & writing extensive notes & then some more brief guide notes.  I really neede
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November 17, 2009
It's been a few days since I wrote an article.  That doesn't mean I haven't been working with WA.  In fact, I've been quite busy with WA.  I needed more quality content with my articles.  Since Monday, I am basically rereading the whole research section in the training center.  I'm taking more extensive notes than before.  Been at this for hours yesterday & today.  I'm amazed at how much I've learned so far since I've joined WA.  However, I noticed tha
November 14, 2009
I was suffering from insomnia last night (typical with me) so I got out of bed about 5:00am this morninhg & finished researching the list of keyword phrases I had.