Posts by Ana_nimoss 13
September 23, 2010
It has been more than a month now.  I have been busy homeschooling my kids, and today, with a little bit of wine and after a fine movie, I was curious to visit the good old friend WA.  I guess my good old friends here are still around, and somehow this feels like visiting the Twilight Zone.  Yes. I am getting the regular email from WA and Travis, and that makes me feel like I am still part of the whole online dream.  Maybe I
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August 18, 2010
I feel like I was gone for ages. I don't know how the summer passed. That was quick. Now going on my 3rd month here, I am depressed that I have nothing to show! Guess multi tasking is simply not my thing? Hope not so much has changed while I was gone, here and IM. But, I am still here, just making foot prints and witnessing wonders and successes of people. I have stories in my mind...need to get them out somehow.  
July 06, 2010
No, I am not Dr. Evil (although I kinda look like that in my profile).  I am not running around my house with a little globe on my hand, yelling, 'The world is mine, mine, mine!"  But, I am smiling at that thought...   I did not have a chance to hang out here for a while, but I was studying, thinking and planning.  It is exciting. I dream of the day when I will have my first itsy bitsy sale.  Did I tell you that I started taking notes?  Last time
June 28, 2010
I have been very busy spending time with my's not that IM was not on my mind. Actually, my daughter told me the other day, "Mommy, you are not listening to me!"  I was thinking about the campaign I was trying to start. Well, young minds are quick minds... They see through my 'cheating' mind.  I was not with them. Shame on me. I am so disorganized that I forgot where I was, so I restarted my Action Plan, and now I am on lesson 5. 
So, I told my hubby very sweetly, on Father's Day after wonderful Sushi dinner that I wanted him to cough up some money to hire some for article writing....Well, that did not go very well.  Some people just know my lazy tendency too darn well.  Why not try to write one myself? I was perfectly smart when he met me with tons of sense of humor.  Ok, that is a noble idea, like I have not been trying.  I was horrified that he even offered to edit my w
June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day to all dads, good and not so good. You get one day a year, so enjoy!  Did you know that one way to live forever is by having kids, future grand kids, grand grand grand kids, etc...   
June 17, 2010
Every time I visit WA, I am surrounded with success stories and actions people take, so I felt peer pressure and  did something. I registered for Squidoo,  Paypal, Ezine, Goarticles, I missing any?  Now, I am busy learning about Squidoo, Ezine, Goarticles and Hubpages!  Will this ever end?  Still working on article #1.  Anyway, Ezine only gives you upto 30 days to post something, and then I think they kick you out.  I thi
June 15, 2010
I like to visit WA blogs and forums on my blue days.  They are filled with questions and comments and brags from  passionate people trying to change or improve their lives, and I find my inspiration here.  I also find plenty of company (misery loves company).  Want success?  Hang out with successful people (there are plenty here). Want to be a good student?  Don't hang out with me, for sure.  I have a lot of people that I have to prove
June 11, 2010
More lost than ever after reading for a whole week here!  I guess it is time for me to get out there and make some mistakes! 
June 03, 2010
I am going to fail, fail, fail.  There are so many newbies and they are ahead of me in their action plans and who knows whatelse.  My kids started summer vacation, and I am very busy entertaining them (kids are so lazy in this generation).  OK. I finished lesson 1 in Action Plan.  Yeah, that is a wonderful thing to follow.  I wish I started earlier.  It already answered half of my questions.  But, you may recall, if you read my other blogs,