Vacation is over

Last Update: August 18, 2010

I feel like I was gone for ages. I don't know how the summer passed. That was quick. Now going on my 3rd month here, I am depressed that I have nothing to show! Guess multi tasking is simply not my thing? Hope not so much has changed while I was gone, here and IM. But, I am still here, just making foot prints and witnessing wonders and successes of people.

I have stories in my mind...need to get them out somehow.  

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Louise M. Premium
Nothing terrible happened while you were gone. We're still here. :) Going back from holidays is surely a great time to write things down, get organized. Don't spend too much time reading what others are achieving, unless it really inspires you of course. Believe in your own success and then, one step at a time, walk closer to it. And don't forget we're here if you need support. :)
maureenhannan Premium
Ana, I know this may sound impossible, but try not to allow your mind to go to that place. The "not enough" place. Not doing enough, not enough to show, not enough of a multi-tasker, etc. How is it that I can offer that advice? Because it's the same battle going on in my own head much of the time. You are where you are, and you'll keep doing your best and operating from your own areas of strength.

BTW, have you given any thought to just how good a cheerleader you are? Seems like you get excited about writing when there is relationship and encouragement involved. Just wondering if there is some way to steer your article marketing efforts toward releasing that natural voice and enthusiasm for others' successes....
Glad to see you back--it was lovely seeing a blog comment from you as I drank my coffee this morning. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Just one thing at a time Ana. Just do one thing.