Gotta do something

Last Update: June 17, 2010

Every time I visit WA, I am surrounded with success stories and actions people take, so I felt peer pressure and  did something. I registered for Squidoo,  Paypal, Ezine, Goarticles, I missing any?  Now, I am busy learning about Squidoo, Ezine, Goarticles and Hubpages!  Will this ever end?  Still working on article #1.  Anyway, Ezine only gives you upto 30 days to post something, and then I think they kick you out.  I think deadlines are really good for me.   

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Moonstone Premium
Congratulations on getting started. I don't think the learning ever ends as everything changes on the net. But that is part of the fun. The learning curve will be steep to start, just keep focused (if possible) keep to one thing like articles or PPC until you are confident. Ezines are quite strict, you might find Squidoo a good place to start as well as ezines. The lenses are easy and fun to set up.
iFaith Premium
Congratz on diving in and doing some work. Yes, it never stops - the learning and the work, but you can grow to enjoy it if you celebrate your successes no matter small they are. Good job and keep doing the work!
D.A.P. Premium
I agree on the deadlines too! Just getting through the training here at WA, the deadlines have kept me moving fwd. Still have article number one to do and eeeeeeverything else to set up. But that's the way it goes in this biz right? All is well, good luck to you ana_nimoss!
ana_nimoss Premium
No. Bring 'em on! I will do USFreeAds, and maybe even set up blog site using wordpress? I saw your profile on Goarticles (I think, now I am I said, too many sites!). It was really cool to notice someone I know!
maureenhannan Premium
Deadlines are good for me too. So are analytics stats. Once you've published some stuff, I think you'll find it very motivating to be able to track your visitors and how they are finding you. Steady as you go. Try not to get overwhelmed. (Oh, you might want to sign up for USFreeAds, as well...sorry, did I just overwhelm you? :-) ~ Maureen