Hello, Work, here I come!

Last Update: June 20, 2010

So, I told my hubby very sweetly, on Father's Day after wonderful Sushi dinner that I wanted him to cough up some money to hire some for article writing....Well, that did not go very well.  Some people just know my lazy tendency too darn well.  Why not try to write one myself? I was perfectly smart when he met me with tons of sense of humor.  Ok, that is a noble idea, like I have not been trying.  I was horrified that he even offered to edit my writing ( he, unlike me, is very well educated).  So, I told him about my ideas, and he actually thought those might stick, so guess what.  I am stuck.  I will be busy writing something.... Hello, work, here I come!  He is not convinced that people can make a living doing IM, so Hello, work, here I come!  He knows I have always been a dreamer.  Hello, work, here I come! 

By the way, even my child is ahead of me.  She found Zazzle and opened up her own store (she likes drawing and designing).  I found that out because anyone under 13 needs parent's permission to do anything with Zazzle.  This is a very good day and a bad day... going through mommy self-worth crisis because everyone else is too efficient.  Needed my scotch and now I am going to sleep.   



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moonvine Premium
I think you and I both can write a ton of good articles. And this is the week to do it! We can jump off that diving board together!
maureenhannan Premium
I mean...I know he's skeptical and a little wary of the whole IM thing. But it does sound as though he is trying to listen to your ideas and to weight the costs/benefits. My guess is, once you have some successes under your belt, he will be a good support to you in this effort. (Sushi dinners never hurt either. Yummmm.)
maureenhannan Premium
Hey Ana! I always love your humor and transparency. PM me if you want a little article-writing support. I mean, stuff to help you do your own...I have a resource that you may find helpful. And you know what? From what you tell me, your husband can be a really great ally. Good for him for trying to understand and be supportive of your ideas. ~ Maureen
Moonstone Premium
Its good to do your own articles - a pain, but good, because you learn more that way. Don't worry about anyone who is ahead of you, just learn from them then one day you will be the one teaching.
jatdebeaune Premium
Be like a race horse Ana. Don't look around, just look forward. You don't need a critic, even if it's yourself.