The world is mine!

Last Update: July 06, 2010

No, I am not Dr. Evil (although I kinda look like that in my profile).  I am not running around my house with a little globe on my hand, yelling, 'The world is mine, mine, mine!"  But, I am smiling at that thought...   I did not have a chance to hang out here for a while, but I was studying, thinking and planning.  It is exciting. I dream of the day when I will have my first itsy bitsy sale.  Did I tell you that I started taking notes?  Last time I did that, was.....quite a while ago.

No, I am not shy.  When I make my dollar, everyone will hear about it!!!  What I like about IM is the unlimited possibility and potential (like children).  We should all shout, the world is mine! (and yours, yours, yours....plenty of room).  

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Moonstone Premium
Go for it Ana!! If you are using Squidoo theres a time lag so you might already have made something!!!
iFaith Premium
Correction -Mama of 2 and still laughing. I love Dr. Evil!
iFaith Premium
Great Post - Not Dr. Evil Not Bald Mama of 6! LOL!
maureenhannan Premium
The world is your oyster, Ana. You've got imagination, spirit, and a sense of adventure. And your success in this effort is going to be such an object lesson in resourcefulness for your kids! Keep going! ~ Maureen
jatdebeaune Premium
That's beautiful. Thanks Ana. You get it girl!