Twilight Zone

Last Update: September 23, 2010

It has been more than a month now.  I have been busy homeschooling my kids, and today, with a little bit of wine and after a fine movie, I was curious to visit the good old friend WA.  I guess my good old friends here are still around, and somehow this feels like visiting the Twilight Zone.  Yes. I am getting the regular email from WA and Travis, and that makes me feel like I am still part of the whole online dream. 

Maybe I have gotten wise or just old during this silent time, but when I see 60 something surfing, I have to say, I have a lot to look forward to....  Who said that men live forever by having offsprings?  I bet that was I.  I am so busy taking care of my offsprings that i feel that I do not exist.  Yet, I feel this gratitude toward life that i cannot explain.

For now, I am happy to pay dues for doing nothing.  But, I still dream.... Who the f...said that dream was free?

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Labman_1 Premium
So, take a bit of time for yourself when the little ones are in bed and pick a tutorial to get through. One at a time, one day at a time, and in no time at all this will start to come together. Try to make spending the time habitual. If you can't do a whole tutorial use the bookmark feature and stop when you are tired. Just keep at it. It will come.