
Last Update: June 11, 2010

More lost than ever after reading for a whole week here!  I guess it is time for me to get out there and make some mistakes! 

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Sherion Premium
You are braver at this moment than I am. I am still in lesson 3 and taking it nice and slow. But soon enough I will have to be brave just like you. So, go make a mistake or two.
dna88 Premium
Ana get out there and make it happen .. just take little steps everyday make it a routine and you'll get into the hang of things..Things become much clearer when your doing and a lot of your questions seem to get answered that way too.. What you stuck on? Maybe I can help..
maureenhannan Premium
Well, get on out there and do some damage. :-) (I think you waaay underestimate yourself, by the way!)