1 BIG Reason Why Writing Your Own Content Works

Last Update: January 12, 2012

Welcome Back Everyone!

I'm going to cover the essential reason why writing your own online content works.

  • You generate your own leads


People trust you and only you.

As a business owner, I don't have to tell you how valuable this result it other than it brands your name, it builds credibility, and the biggest result is -- people will only want you.

There are many different types of leads you can generate online...whether you're fisrt using even a free blogger.com blog.  Be sure to use what's called an RSS Feed so that people can read your content inside of the Google Reader.

If you use your WA Word Press dot org blog, this is even better.  You can blend the blogger account with Word Press just to get eyeballs looking at your content.  If you do a solid job of writing even the most simple article, other people will want to pick up your articles by placing them on their websites.  This is called "viral marketing".  It's like FREE word of mouth advertising for you online, just because that's what it is.  There's no better advertising for you.


If I'm not making sense with new folks, Internet marketing works like this.  Think along ROCK STAR lines.

1) They have a specific audience

2) They have a certain style of music

3) They have certain things they sell to expand their market reach and pay

Their efforts are called in inner circles "merchandising".  They don't even call their concerts that much.  It's simple merchandising in their eyes.  It should be no different for you. 

So what do rock stars sell?  Wouldn't it be things like --

A) photos taken with fans and the rock stars themselves

B) t-shirts

C) mugs

D) private concert tickets

E) exclusive back stage passes and other misc. group "exclusives" (like an invite to some rock star's house)

F) signed photos

Whatever your imagination can create, that's what rock stars do.  It's no different for you.

If you're a network marketer, you'll create:

1)  business opportunity/MLM leads

2)  people who want to be in your organization


If you're a dentist, you'll create:

1) inquiries into your cosmetic dentistry

2) affiliates

3) other professionals who promote only you


If you're a real estate pro

1) inquiries into home purchasing/home refinancing

2) leads who want a variety of other related services -- home repairs/furnishings/house painting services.



These leads can be sold to other related businesses in one industry..., such as in the case of refinancing leads.  In real estate, these leads can cost as much as $50 - $100 for a carefully targeted lead.

I'm showing you possibilities in Internet Marketing because they are endless..., but that's what your content does.  

A) It grabs attention online

B) It pulls people into your messages repeatedly so they can see what you're about

C) It generates the contact (lead)

There's no better lead than the one you generate yourself.  No better. This is because your consciousness attracts others of like mind who want what you already bring to the business table.


You get paid. Whether you're paid through selling the lead to a specific company who wants that lead ...or whether you're putting yourself online for paid services/products, those are the most common results you'd expect to gain.

Please leave your comments/suggestions for assistance.

Because we can't read your minds inside of WA, the interaction is what is most important.  That way, we're better equipped to assist you directly.

Keep your action plans going.  The biggest thing you can do is write content, publish it, test your messages, see who you attract, and get those e-mails.  One more point -- by publishing helpful content on your blog inside of WA, it goes out to the world!  

Thanks for meeting me here today.  I look forward to more of our visits!

Hang in there.  Keep your work going here.  See if...what you're learning here will carry over to your "day job".  If you look closely, chances are that your company has a strong Internet presence.  The key to your success occurs when you pay careful attention to what other companies are doing online.  Pay close attention to how they do it, notice what they say when they say it...and you're in!

Toasting Your Success Online,





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