For New Folks, Start Building Your Web Work

Last Update: June 10, 2012

Hello Fellow WA Buddies!

bkb2012...Barbara here. I'm about to show you how I use a free service to brand my Internet name.

It's blogger. It's a simple account even the most experienced and successful people use online.

Home Based Business Blog

What I Am I Looking For on This Blog?

* simple photo

* a description about you and what you're promoting (without using a hard sell)

* content you write under your name only

* a free report (you may have to start with a report that's written by a company)...but start somewhere

What's A Free Report Do?

Online, you must have something valuable and free to offer others so that they will submit their contact information for business follow-up.

You will eventually want a report of your own...but if you look at some of the reports inside of WA, they are invaluable. They can help you get things started on a right footing.

Then What?

Do you have any YouTube videos of your own?

If not, that's okay. You can start with a Facebook profile. Twitter is popular.

What you're doing here is getting your name out there so that you have an online infrastructure forming.

Master One Form of Traffic First

Traffic is -- getting an online audience established and flowing into your campaign (website, blog, FB, Twitter, You Tube, US Free Ads, and more).

When you start your own Internet business, it takes time. It requires relationship building so that you can form a supportive network of people who will help you get what you need most (tools, know-how, skills, work done, uplifting guidance..., and more of what you will intuitively need as you build your business.)

* WA is a solid place to build your helpful network!

* Facebook is a great place to build early traffic prior to getting a solid website established and working

* Focus on 1 marketing aspect at a time (I share Facebook as a starter and article marketing as another, for example)

* You Tube is another form of web taffic

What I Do To Answer Smallest Q's

I use the work of someone who's already been very successful.

You can pick anyone online. Just make sure that whomever it is that you follow, they will have a solid reputation for being a great person first, second to none in business, and very obviously indexed online.

* I watch

* I look at every small detail

* I ask Q's...or if that person is not available, I navigate my way through the existing web work this business owner possesses

Need An Example?

You can follow Kyle & Carson. They're amazing Internet marketers, obviously.

You can follow your favorite retail or sporting goods store.

You can follow a favorite celebrity. They're great in terms of really showing you how it's done. I cite Jennifer Lopez.

You will see many marketing elements at work that's talked about inside of WA:

You Tube videos

Vevo Videos

Your own website with your own content

A Free Report

Followup Newsletter

Your Own Blog



Your Own Articles (Street Zines)

These are the common things people use online. They're doing one thing. They're generating interest, finding ways to hold that interest, and they're building their lists (of active buyers).

In the coming posts, I'll cover more of the finer points. Key thing is to keep working and don't give up.

Toasting Your Online Success!


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