What's the Blurb About This New Economy?

Last Update: January 19, 2012

Welcome WA Buddies!

I'm going to bring you something very unusual.In the biggest of MBA circles,  we have a topic of discussion many companies know about but actively keep quiet.

I want you to know about it because it impacts your ability to operate from the right places.

It's called the "New Economy".

And...it's been unfolding and evolving here at WA...even with Kyle & Carson perhaps not being entirely aware about it.  At some level they know.

At another level, it's grand...and it's designed just for you...the person who thought that life would never pan out right.

If you are someone who's labored endlessly decade after decade, not complaining about much, hunkering down and "just doing the work", all while helping others...

this special time is for you.

This is the time companies feared...for they knew that when the consciousness of "only just a few" hit peak mass and began to show a gentle level of pure understanding, then non-traditional learning centers would begin to cater to this crowd.

Well..they have.  And it began with Kyle & Carson...the New Kids.

These New Kids are masters on the Internet...and those of us who are a bit older had no clue as to how we could even harness the net...let alone apply it correctly.

So what we have here is a major paradigm shift...in the works.  It's taken me 40 years of non-stop work to know what this shift entails...but that's why I'm now here.


What This New Economy Involves

  • The biggest implication is -- everyone works together
  • There's no secrecy of any kind because complete sharing results in masters being made everywhere
  • People who don't know each other grab hands and work to turn on the light switch
  • There would be no separation of any kind
  • Those with higher education would help those with strong desire
  • Money would no longer be an issue
  • Everyone could get what they needed
  • Everyone would progress
  • Win - win would be the real paradigm ...forget this win-lose stuff
  • People entering this place of learning would never have to fill out a resume, let alone worry about being accepted.

Because it's time.  The consciousness demands a better way.


So...in MBA Circles

These powerhouses are educated to support the needs of the powerful few.

I say bunk.

I took a tougher route to bring this information to you...said kindly...but my days are coming where there will be no more struggles of any kind.

It is a joy to be here.


The few 2% of MBA's who resisted traditional corporations and instead...wisely came here...knew at some level they could not consciously state...that the golden days would come.

They are here...NOW!

In this New Economy, you...the individual would have the power to leverage "what came before"....the wisdom and financial power of WA owner's...Kyle, Carson..., and some of our other top super-affiliates who labor day after day to bring you something greater.

That means --  you can build a business harnessing the power of the Internet.

You can get whatever you need under one major roof.

You don't have to go broke over it.

You can build, reinvest, and have something that's truly worthwhile..., and a major company can't say no.


Your Challenge

Here's the big bit of work for you. There is major mindset work involved in letting go of some of the cruddy programming you've been handed on a cardboard platter.

It will turn you upside-down some nights, you'll be so confused...to the point where your mind will play tricks on you.

Kyle & Carson are spelling everything out in bold detail.  They are telling you how things work.  They are showing you precisely what has to happen.  

You've got to go where they go.  Study every small detail.  Apply..learn...develop...evolve.  My private coach has spent 6 years doing nothing but repeat...repeat...repeat until I get it.  He's showing me direct response marketing...and it agrees with everything these guys at WA are doing.


The Corporate Hats

I'm still not sure why this billion dollar blueprint prevails because it's down-right nasty...but..,

I've met a fair number of "high-handed hats" who say...

"Why should we teach the average Joe and Jane?"  WOW!  What an attitude.

They treat people like they're back in 1st grade.  It's shocking.

You know what I said...???

"Look out.  You had your time.  You burned the public trust and NOW...your power is being removed.  You had a chance to rectify wrong-doing..., you knew otherwise,  and you chose to run with all of the money at every expense".

Their reaction????

They laughed.  I walked away and said..."That's okay.  The day will come where you'll wish you made changes...before you compromised everything".


Are You Motivated Now?

I sincerely hope this message reads somewhat well because it sticks me in the craw.

You are worth millions and you don't yet know it.

For every billion dollar blueprint worked at the corporate level, someone is laughing to the bank...at the public's expense.  If a few billion was spread across the U.S., every person would be worth $1 million.

You read that number correctly.

$1 million TODAY.


Still Not Sure I'm Telling The Truth?

You've seen despots fall.  The politicians are looking pretty murky these days.  They're appearing very buffered...and more are now saying that you can't put lawyers in Congress.  They're busy creating laws no one can follow.

In my marketing circle, I actually work with an attorney turned Internet marketer!  He was so saddened by the lack of integrity appearing in his field that he gave up private practice.  

But now the energy is shifting...and what once worked isn't working too well now.

That's why companies are fearing these new places of learning.  They're hoarding their money..., working towards the trillion dollar blueprint now (where 99% of us will starve)...  but that won't be your reality. 


Because you had the sense to move with the cheese..., the money that can be earned from home...working with motivated people in teams who care about how well you do.  You will have to be creative and pull in both online and offline methods.  Not one method will meet all needs.  That's just the reality.

So..., work together.  Don't give up.  Communicate.  Share ideas...pull in others who want to be a part of your team, and work like a demon to shift the gameboard.  It's already happening...and we're here...working beside you, Vegas or not.

Toasting Your Success ....Absolutely,



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