Social Marketing Impacting Site Rankings

Last Update: January 11, 2012

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

In today's post, I'm going to talk most simply about your online activities --

There's a tendency to think that any success will come from someone else.  This is true to the extent that we're all inter-connected, but if we look at you as an individual, success comes from you.  How we all work together at any given time compounds that success.  

First, consider talking about what you love most at Facebook, not as you're slamming people with ads, but as you're genuinely connecting to others.  You're not throwing out your links all the time, but you're sincerely interested in helping them get useful information, you're truly interested in what they have to say, and you're looking for ways to help them get what they need. 

The Laws of Attraction and Mastered Communication State -- "What you are and what you project, you will attract".

Before you have any traffic looking at your blogs and websites, you will have to put yourself out there.  That's the jist behind social marketing.  It's not fancy.  It's basic because people are people, we all love to connect, and we all have some need.  As you're putting your content online, you're testing that content in a variety of ways (to find audience segments), and you're seeing who's responding to the majority of whatever it is you have to say.  Be patient and know that it will happen.

1) Let's say you're new and you're building your first campaign online...and maybe you're using a combination of free blogs (, paid websites (WA Word or using independent software creating your website as hosted on your domain), or maybe you're using paid blogs (WA or some other major affiliate you trust)  Whatever you choose, follow your instincts.  Your two most important assets will always be:  A) pulling in your passion and B) being consistent.

2) Care about people...offer help

3) Motivate from your heart


Example:  You know the new teen idol 16-yr. old Justin Beiber?   Watch him on Netflix.  Don't rule his name out.  There's a 2 hour show covering his success...from his early days of childhood...drumming on chairs as a 3-yr. old...moving right up to his discovery by agents.  He's becoming a major player in the music industry...having done so in 2 short years.  His secret?  He is completely devoted to his fans (mostly young moms and teen-aged girls...hitting audiences as young as age 8).

What does he do?

When Justin is sick or has hugely strained his voice (usually from playing with his childhood friends), his managers tell him, "You cannot talk this evening.  You need one night of complete vocal rest...and you cannot utter one single word -- not even a whisper".  

He heads over to Twitter and starts to text these by one!  He does it until he's connected to hundreds and hundreds.  He'll do it for hours on end.

In his concerts...

He picks one girl out of every concert audience, puts her on stage, give you red roses, and sings to her.

Is it working?

You bet.  He's blowing other musicians out of the water because he is 5,000% dedicated to giving his fans everything.

It's the same way online.  You can study stuff all day long but in the final end, it's how many people you connect to online.  

It is this direct.

So head over to Facebook.  Pull in Twitter.  If you're a musician, pull in MySpace.  If you have major rock stars you follow, you can get a free profile set up in the rock group forums. 

Pick 5 favorite rock groups.  Then connect your yuku profile to them.  In my case, I have a yuku profile with Moody Blues.  You can slowly build your own forums, add memberships, manage those memberships, and get people talking.  If you do well, you can pull in affiliate marketing with some of these rock stars and move their products as one possible option.

Start talking to people.

Talk to entertainers. Talk to buddies. Talk to acquaintances.  Keep sharing your links in these places...and as you do that, you will attract a following.  Think like a rock star when you're moving around online.  As you do so, you will build your own fan club, you'll increase your reach, and then finally people will step forward with Q's.

It's counter-intuitive, I know...but it works.

Feel free to post your comments.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Toasting Your Success Online,



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WriterGig Premium
Thanks Barbara for the reminders and ideas! I have decided to focus this year on my favorite niches -- just 2-3 blogs/sites instead of 30 -- and look forward to seeing great results.
bkb2012 Premium
Hey there! Happy New Year. You are very wise. The best work done happens only with 1 or 2 campaigns. I am reading more about the secrets of attracting the right affiliates so that folks here at WA can become very successful. I will share more information as it pours forth accurately. Happy to see you again! Stay in touch! bkb2012...Barbara
jatdebeaune Premium
You always have good advice. That's the way to use the social networks. I think it is there to spread the word and make friends, and of course, connect it all to your profession. I don't like all the freaky "too personal" and sharing family pictures and sensational stuff. But to connect in other ways, it's great. Thanks Barbara. Gold.
bkb2012 Premium
Joan -- I agree with you. I have been working with a massively successful rock star many people know. I also have a powerful network of highly successful Internet marketers who strive to assist others from pure places. Once I have full clarity on most potent content, that's when I share the news. In the meantime, I can barely sleep I'm so excited. If you don't give up, here's what will happen. I will be able to publish advertising at $5 starter levels so that you can bring click costs way, way down...while setting up campaign ads pushing major competitors...or fewest competitors out the door. I am working on your well as others. I'm asking for patience. The content has to be so right on target that there's no question about success. So this information has more to do with making sure a web campaign is set up correctly from the get go. Then...when the ad matches, you use what's called split testing. I access the #1 expert in this arena. It's about accessing massive traffic within hours, targeting the buyers, and making decent sales. Internet marketing is lucrative when it's done correctly! bkb2012...Barbara
bkb2012 Premium
Joan -- I agree with you. I have been working with a massively successful rock star many people know. I also have a powerful network of highly successful Internet marketers who strive to assist others from pure places. Once I have full clarity on most potent content, that's when I share the news. In the meantime, I can barely sleep I'm so excited. If you don't give up, here's what will happen. I will be able to publish advertising at $5 starter levels so that you can bring click costs way, way down...while setting up campaign ads pushing major competitors...or fewest competitors out the door. I am working on your well as others. I'm asking for patience. The content has to be so right on target that there's no question about success. So this information has more to do with making sure a web campaign is set up correctly from the get go. Then...when the ad matches, you use what's called split testing. I access the #1 expert in this arena. It's about accessing massive traffic within hours, targeting the buyers, and making decent sales. Internet marketing is lucrative when it's done correctly! bkb2012...Barbara