Wealth is Energy, Part 3 of Creation Series

Last Update: January 21, 2012

Welcome WA Buddies and Seasoned Players!

I'm here to add a few more tidbits to your marketing arsenal today.  What I'm about to share may come as a shock.

Wealth creation...if you've succeeded before is energy.

The more people you help, the more you can earn.  So I'm working with a rock star right now on his Internet marketing campaign.  He hired a company to create the campaign.  I'm helping him draw his audiences into his messages so that he's "in-tune" and "engaged".  He's starting to listen!  Many of you may know his name...but I won't reveal it here.  Anyway, I'm working with his effectiveness as a marketer...showing him how to better pull his fans into his messages.

Okay.  So let's go back to the money thing.

Earning it is counter-intuitive.  You've been taught by some who might force a market.

The masterful approach includes:

1) getting to know your client

2) building that relationship

3) developing trust on an even footing

4) interacting...ask ...and provide solutions in the form of kick rump answers (products/services serving as a decent cure more of the time than not).

I'm not sharing anything here you don't intuitively know, but the key to your own wealth generation is to go within.

The answers lie deep within.  You have to get calm...sit still...go within...focus on what you want... -- clarity...inner guidance...urgings from rightful places...coincidences that attract you to powerful people/events/information...leading to action.

Society has taught you to look for an external source, but the truth is...you are the expert in your life.  You are the prime mover.  You are the pebble in the quiet pond.

Your experiences are the sum total of massive learning...more than you might remember.

You can use logic to problem-solve. That's a good thing...but what would you say if I told you that when you pull in heart-math (love felt in heart center and sent out to others even though you have not yet met them)...

or... good will emotions which are heart-centered, you actually "magnetize" business to you?   The other best word is attract.  You do this with a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, significant other.  So there's really no difference.

This is the path of wealth creation done without massive, massive work.

The path of struggle may not necessarily involve anything heart centered.   That's forcing people to do what you want, and that doesn't work.


People who laugh at this method have not studied the millionaire/billionaire blueprint directly...and I'm giving it to you.  You deserve it and are worth every tidbit of energy and effort!

In this secret, the energy is available to everyone on a daily basis. When it adheres to Natural Law (highest law), business begins to come to you through coincidences.  You have to slow down...rest your mind...settle...get quiet...and wait for the "flag" to appear.  The flag comes from within.  It is the urging that asks you to take action so that you can push on doors.

Doors represent people/events/information/action/reality.

Doors that do not open easily tell you these things -- the time is not yet right...or...you have to develop another skill...or you most likely have to alter an old belief that's holding you back.  The belief is usually a distorted one...such as "the only people who make $$ are ones who were born with $$".  That is really not true.  Many of us are self-made.  The best ones motivate through truth.   They care about your net worth (at self-esteem levels), and they want to assist you...and serve you in best ways.

These are the finest business people you will encounter.


The key to creating this long-term wealth is to do it in obvious ways:

1) either  through massively hard work (the old paradigm)

2) through smart, simplified, accurate work (the new paradigm)

In my coming post, I share the 2nd path.  I start that template for you...and over time, we fill in the template of action through WA resources...and more. I pull in the $1.8 million I've already invested ...and bring it to you.  The Universe gives me $$ when I develop others along the way.  It is always a natural process.  I can only develop those who want the help...and the help is usually the result of your efforts too.


You Can Build Wealth

$1 Million...whether it's earned offline, online, or by both means is not that hard.  The key is to underspend what you pull in the door.  You are not extending your lifestyle if you had $1 Million to spend today.  The Universe tests your ability to handle this kind of $$ and it will actually block the flow of it to you, until you zero in on the precise reasons why you want it in the first place.  Then...once you write down the reasons (and I'll get to that part in the next few paragraphs), your battle is actually half over.  Now... you're saving that $$ to reinvest in the growth of business so that you can help more people.  When you do this, the Universe will mirror back to you the wealth that you put "out there".


Online...and Offline -- Task #1 -- Master $1 Revenue

Once you know how to do that, you're scaling a campaign upward.

It's call vertical marketing.


So how can $1 make you wealthy?

It's the process of making that first dollar...ONCE you've established a following...ONCE you've built your relationships (so that people will want to buy from you)...ONCE you've communicated to others that you genuinely care.

$1 Million Is Not Had Over Night

The best wealth is never quickly made.  It is incrementally earned and saved.


The Essence of $$ For You Is This

Here's where $$ creation gets tricky.  You see companies forcing markets.  They push so hard that they wreck their relationships with people.  I see this happening everyday in department stores because middle managers are so freaked out over hitting their targets (from district managers) that they push their associates over the edge.

It does have to be this way.


$$ Is Energy...Vitality...Essence...

If you're still with me on what I've shared...now we get to the million dollar secret.  Never mind $1 Billion.  Who needs that much?  I call that greed.

If you're okay with the notion that you could retire on ...say $3 million....it's $1 million per person you intend to support in retirement, that's the target.

The rest of the $$ is spread throughout the crowds.

This is the New Economy at work.


Win - Win Works

Okay...so let's go back a bit in time.  I told you that I spent 23 years in the martial arts industry.  I did well there...and my family has worked diligently to create what's there.  It did not happen overnight.  We worked non-stop to uplift, inspire, and raise a force of 6,000 black belt senior instructors.

The money came from earnings...and savings...and reinvestment...and management.  Management of that $$ does not have to be difficult.

You're investing (in due time) in the things you believe in.  It is that simple.

In a win-win situation (and this would be in a mastered business environment), there is always the consideration that all who participate will work.  They work together implementing one VISION.

The VISION is connected to the MISSION.

The MISSION is connected to strategy.

STRATEGY is connected to natural results, working in unison with Natural Laws.  Nothing is forced.  The public good is always protected.  There is full transparency at work, and people always have the freedom to come and go.

Refunds are never denied...and in fact...they are encouraged.

When the job is delivered with high quality, refunds rarely become a central issue.

Everyone has the ability to communicate openly.  No ideas are rejected, and everyone is truly taught to be respected.  

When all involved are valued, appreciate, and enjoyed, you get a magical result.  



You get a massive force who works towards a common goal.  In the martial arts, it was "Building key leaders today ...for tomorrow".

That was the vision.  It included spiritual development but those lessons were built into a natural process.  It had nothing to do with dogma, religion, or even "insane" practice.

There was massive energy involved...where these people all contributed their best.

Positive attitudes were everything and were appreciated...and encouraged.

All ranks --- colored belts and instructors were valued.  That was the MISSION.

The business model was franchising.  Online, it's affiliate marketing and a blend of other things....like diversified business (owning 2 websites that really work...and they are in 2 different arenas).

STRATEGY involved...hand raising qualified instructors across the U.S., in  Canada...and beyond. 

The true service was...guiding others to become their best.  Self improvement (Kaizen) was the key force.


Apply This Model To Superaffiliate Marketing

What would you get?

Identical results.

It's the know-how that works.

So you start with 1...and 2...and 3 people.

You build 3 core masters.

Then those 3 teach 1.

And...you get 4 core masters.

Those 4 core masters build a sea of 150 add'l, up-and-coming masters.


It Sounds Impossible

GOLDEN RULE APPLIED:  In every living moment, the first prime mover must be the living example.  There can be no shortcuts.  Personal living is very clean and forthright.  All finances work in the same manner.  No person is left out of the equation...and all are valued.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Offer unconditional love and extreme patience.

Tell others how powerful they truly are.


That's it.  So the Universe supports this wealth creation when you write down on paper what the essence of that $$ would bring you and all others:

  • improved lives
  • increased self-worth and well-being
  • well-being is the master key -- focus on feeling this emotion in the present moment
  • like attracts like
  • your greater self goes out into the world on your behalf when you focus on what you want to achieve with the $$
  • the $$ cannot be reserved exclusively for self
  • $$ must be used to improve others...help educate them...and help them see a better way
  • teach others to fish

I hope this makes sense.  So on paper...(and I'm asking you to do this now...then wait for the magic to appear)....

$1 Million Would Bring me

1)  more time to rest ...or

2)  the ability to hire extra help so I can take a nap when I want

3)  the ability to go to the gym whenever I want

4)  the ability to pay bills ahead of time...and THEN SOME  (this part is very big)

5)  the ability to put $$ aside in cash savings

6)  the ability to buy high quality things I really need to improve my lot in life...thereby improving my own well-being

7)  improve the well-being of others.

Do you see the last connection? Well-being felt now...attracts well-being felt tomorrow...which energizes the self...which energizes others...which attracts people into the situation you're working (because they're all having fun)...which attracts trust...loyalty...friendship...massive learning for everyone involved...mastery...and then the $$.

The $$ appears in-between many of these steps...but when you do the right thing for all involved, it's easy to ask..."here's my fee", "my website prices are $95/hour"....or whatever the service or product you offer will be.

You always want to offer many price points so that several people can afford you.

When your energy drops too low, your prices are too low.  So...you raise prices to preserve your energy further, attract better buyers, increase net wealth.

It is always done gradually over time.

Feel free to post your comments.  I hope to bring you profound content in the coming days and weeks ahead.

Major Hugs....Toasting Your Real Success!






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