6 Simple Goals: What You're After For Early Success

Last Update: January 19, 2012

Welcome WA Buddies and Seasoned Players!

Hello.  bkb2012 here.  I'm going to talk about 6 simple goals you'll focus on this year, if you're going to see some progress.

Goal 1)  Online, the success is not what you initially think.


Sure...we all want to be paid.  No one should work for free.  That goes without saying.

You must zero in on an active message people will feel excited about, return back to often, and share with others. How else will you learn about how your audience thinks so that you can step right into their brains? This is the key behind writing effective ad copy (published word).

The written word is what leads people further into your programs and services.  


Goal 2)  You need eyes looking at your content

Anywhere you're attracted to...go there. Get free accounts...wherever you can.  Use free.  Free is always good.  It can generate a following, as long as you hold that intent in your heart and in your mind.


Goal 3)  Pull in the social networks

You will find the most workable ones appearing at the bottom of a WA Blog & Funnel System.

You are after a first blog creation that will just show you which networks are most effective.  Kyle & Carson are showing you which ones are most potent. 

Watch...emulate.   Go where they go.  Do what they do.


The eyes start to find you once you get more content written on your blog.

If you're not sure what to write, research favorite topics, read, close the article, then write from your memory.  This is the best way to tackle content. 

Watch for the results incoming from WA to show you which networks are working well.

When you see the network symbols (look to bottom of WA blog), get an account at each of these social places (Facebook, Twitter, Delicious..for example).  You can pull up Kyle & Carson's blogs if you don't yet have one. This will satisfy that immediate need.


Goal 4)  Set up profiles...connect the accounts...start adding buddies.


Believe in your heart that you have something extraordinary to share.  You absolutely do.  Then write it, publish it, and edit later.


Goal 5)  Rinse and repeat.

If you're building interest through sweat equity, depending on the type of products and services you'll later market (don't worry about this part), you're testing words to see who you attract.

As you write content, you can form as many WA blogs as you want...or you can play with say...4 different blogger.com blogs at Google.  This gives you room to write content along 4 topic lines.

Pull in Street Articles if you feel confident.


Goal 6)  Keep publishing going.

Network inside of WA.  Keep connecting in social networks.  In time, you will attract eyes to your blogs.

Compare the numbers.  The more you write, the better you become.

In my last post, I share some numbers about what my blogs are doing.  They're hits.  They're not sales.  But...what I've gotten from keeping this work going is that I now have an interactive Word Press blog...I'm talking to people from everywhere. They're blown away by "transparent content" because it's evident that WA active members care and want to spread the Internet marketing word the correct way.

See which blog pulls in the largest number of eyes for you.  One blog will stand apart from all others.  This is most likely the niche you're after.

Then...keep networking.  You are after people who have specific, concrete monetizeable skills you can tap into.  I tell you how it happens in my prior post.

Ask every question your mind flags.  Everything is important.  Your brain is sequencing the things you'll later do, in unison with ...get ready for it...your Spirit!

You are being guided right into your most perfect job...but it may not seem like it at times.

We're headed for the New Economy folks!  And..it's happening right here, inside of WA.

Toasting Your Success Online...,






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Peedsbornagain Premium
love it , Amen and Cheers to your words !