Example of Traffic Movement to a REAL Website

Last Update: February 22, 2012
Hello Everyone!

Hello New Buddies. Hello Seasoned Players.  With Kyle & Carson's approval, I am including a real website to show you how Internet marketing works.

I've been  member of Wealthy Affiliate now for for 4 years.  In that time, I hit many low points studying my Internet marketing...following my MBA studies.  For me, it was 10 years of development...and I hung in there.  Net Result?

In November of 2011, I met a key player.  He's someone you know and love.  He's sold more than 55 million albums & musical discs worldwide.

Because of the Internet marketing skill set I developed by learning Internet marketing from 6 coaches, plus including Wealthy Affiliate interaction, it brought me a wondrous opportunity.

I offer you a simple example moving people (inquiring minds we later convert into regular visitors/forum members/buyers) heading to that website.


Meet Mr. Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues.  He's a good friend of mine.  I have agreed to help him with key aspects of on and offline marketing promotions adding real value to people's lives.



Here's how we talk to fans at Facebook and at Twitter:

For those of you who absolutely adore the Moody Blues, a new website is forming because you asked for it and wanted it! I'm here to extend a warm invitation from Justin Hayward to you...and to thank you for the band's continuous support. Please show Justin your appreciation for all of his dedicated work by joining us at:


Join the forum there and tell us what you think about Justin's November 2011 band tour letter. He writes you firsthand!

(Name of Internet Marketer), MBA
Internet Marketer, Moody Blues


That's it.  There's the ad copy..., the direct message telling people where to go...and what to do... asking them to join in on the fun by playing in the forum.  The band relates to the public by way of article marketing....where each band member adds his/her two cents, talking about what's happening on the tour circuit.

Then to make it all massively fun, I'm personally joining the band during 2012 to bring you live tour updates.

I'll stop here.  Please feel free to post your comments.  I will get back to you asap.  I'm a busy bee these days so please be patient.

Toasting Your Online Success...Absolutely,



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Labman_1 Premium
Let me know when you are in Western NY and I'll stop by for a one on one. Or, perhaps a home cooked meal? Living on the road can be tough on the digestion.
Labman_1 Premium
Guess we need to figure out when in April to hook up. Looks like two near misses on the 5th and 21st.
bkb2012 Premium
Laughing. OKAY. I gotta approve it with the bus driver...but what the hay. Western NY...if you head over to the moodybluestoday.com website, it will show you the full 2012 tour of the East Coast. I don't know yet how hectic it will be working with Mr. Hayward yet...but let's keep in touch. Keep reading these posts. More helpful content is coming! You can succeed! Hugs..., bkb2012...Barbara.