1 Major Tip Improving WA Use

Last Update: September 07, 2010

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

Hello New Buddies! 

Ok.  I'm seeing folks kinda slow with profile and blog posts.  That's okay..., just keep looking at folks who have their blogs going strong.  This is how it works online!

If you don't have any sites, you can pick up what others are already doing here to help. I have been sharing this tip with so many buddies so I'll just let you in on the skinny.

Tip #1 -- Improving WA Site Use

Bookmark everything you find helpful.

Sounds basic. When you get others used to bookmarking (especially outside of WA), that's when you have them bookmark your site.  It took me  too long to SEE this reality.  You and (others who want your help) can run through tulips faster than running a search.

Here's what happens when you're new --

1) Phase 1 - Major confusion and heavy frustration

2) Phase 2 - Meandering ...as I still do this and have to say  "stop"

It must be a terrible hazard in this trade.  It's not efficient at all.

3) Phase 3 - Focused effort

Your first campaign is a lot of baby steps put together.

When you write an article at ezines, it still counts.

When you form your 1st blog, it still counts.

When you connect to buddies, it counts.

When you work on your website, it counts.

Form your first blog post inside of WA.  It will count.

4) Phase 4 -- Build Rome In Increments

Bookmark yourself inside and outside of WA!  

Think of your campaign as a webwork.  When you publish something,  connect everything together by mastering hyperlinks.

As you study other marketers, you see what they do and you start to see how they do it.

Expand Bookmarking

Bookmark big stuff at WA...

* pick up your profile

* bookmark your blog for quick posts

* bookmark buddies

* bookmark high powered tutorials and videos

* bookmark the "secret code" you get from Kyle & Carson!

HINT:  It's inside of the WA Blog & Funnel...little tricks that get you a better indexing with Google. 

If you e-mail me, I'll tell you what it is!


Bookmark Major Marketers Outside of WA

You want the ones who have been around since "the dawn of mankind".

1) Kyle & Carson -- ok...well they're not that old..but they've been doing this marketing online since 2005.

I search for them outside of WA and what you will find is extensive!

2) Travis Sego  (WA graduate)..the Bum Marketer

He pulls in a lot of WA stuff.

3) Pull in Marcus here at WA

You can find him in the superaffiliate program.

He's helping new superaffiliates, but YOU can start with Marcus as a newbie...you really can!!!)

4) Dan Kennedy

5) Yanik Silvers

6) Ed Dale

7) Kevin Riley

8) There are so many others...but make sure they have major, major campaigns going....and only study the TOP LEVEL marketers for best outcomes.

Toasting Your Success Online!








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reefswimmer Premium
oh, and more thanks are due,, Barbara. You inspired me to write a blog post on my WA space, sharing some of my experiences as I meandered along, moving toward focused action.
Diane, reefswimmer
reefswimmer Premium
ah yes, the meandering stage. For me, it was /is an essential part of recovering from being overwhelmed-for-a-bunch-of-weeks beginner stage at WA.For awhile I took delight in meandering, because after all those weeks I finally recognized words, linked ideas together, saw the value in things that had early on puzzled me. It was a great learning stage, and it spurred me on to the focused active stage that I am beginning.
So I got a great big grin on my face when I saw you label the stage as meandering! And, I got a good heads-up from you , when you hinted at not spending too much time revisiting that stage. Of course, that is what I am doing right now, isnt it.........:-)
What fun !
Diane, reefswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks again for your insight Barbara.