Adsense Advertising - What Is It? What It Means To You!

Last Update: December 07, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

I have been working...working...working on your behalf to bring you greater things!  It's been a few weeks since my last post...and for that result, I will apologize.  What we're doing here at Wealthy Affiliate has everything to do with establishing and maintaining your success.  There have been delays on emails and buddy messages.  For those of you who know me, you know that I have been working with a former criminal New Jersey attorney turned full-time Internet an effort to bring you marketing strategies aimed at moving you into consistent profit.

I will reveal one answer.  It's called Adsense.

Now if you're a seasoned player who's saying, "bkb2012...Barbara..., I tried that.  It didn't work".

No -- you didn't.

If you did and stuck to it, it is very feasible and stable marketing.  I will tell you that this kind of marketing campaign is not for those who want quick fixes.

It's not made for the masses.

It means putting your mind to the task, learning what's involved, and then just doing the work....for a year...for two years...for three years until you hit the income level you desire needed to replace that unfulfilling job.

Not sure what I'm saying?

Here's more proof.

1) Check out

Don't buy.  Just look.  Yeah - They want $197 for their software, and it can make your life much easier if you're a webmaster making these sites for pay. Tuck this resource in your Internet marketing folder for future work...when your budget supports (and warrants) this kind of purchase.

You don't need to purchase XCitePro to build some small, micro niche site.  You can use CompoZer (free), instead.

2) Look for websites that display Google Ads.  Those are sites that are making money for pay anytime a consumer views the ad and clicks on the ad to find out more.  You get paid when the ad is clicked.

3) Look for simple content on these sites.

Make notes.  See if you can zero in on a few senior marketers using Adsense as their main marketing strategy.  Make more notes.

4) Ask yourself...what would be required if you could set up some sites appearing under your domain?

If you like that idea..., then you would essentially become the author of basic content, but more importantly, you would be the owner of hundreds of small niche sites.

5) If you're a newbie, your goal is to have 10 mini sites set up... so that once you join Google Adsense, you're adding Google's code to those sites for "starter, trickle in income".

HINT:  This is a major secret gurus don't want you to know.

Your best course of action whenever you're setting up a site is to get that site indexed in your local community.

There's no competition for small business owners residing in any niche nearest you.  

For best Adsense results, you're looking for a population that tops at least 150,000 so that you'll have enough people clicking on your ads (so you get paid).

Your goal would be to set up small sites appearing under their own domains...for a minimum of 50 - 100 sites..., with each site generating at least $3 - $5/day..., 7 days a week.

Your Costs?

* You would have the cost of a domain for every small site you set up

* You would have web hosting

* Set up 10 small sites for every 1 server

* Spread your servers across the net (to offset any risks)

* Use alias names -- you can set up alias names inside of WA hosting!

* You can use WA hosting for domain names...but set up a limited # of sites here to ...again...offset marketing risks

I'll stop here.  If you want to know more about how the Adsense program can work, please contact me personally through e-mail.  I only share results with those who are willing to pay me for my time.., but I will be offering major support in the form of proven documents and methods.  My major rule for any marketing is that I don't promote something I am not doing myself.

In the meantime, if you are busy working your WA blog and funnel systems -- keep it going.  Do not stop.  The key is to become the 1% who remain (instead of the majority who don't)!

Toasting Your Success Online!





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