Blogging for $$ Tutorial Upcoming!

Last Update: August 25, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

1) Welcome new buddies.  I am happy to meet you !

There are 3 - 5 incoming daily joining our "INNER CIRCLE".  If you have any Q's, please feel fee to contact me or anyone inside of WA by offering your comment below this post. 

* We are here for you, but you must consistently reach out for help and be willing to follow our recommendations.  This is true because successful Internet marketing is an A, B, C process.  Skip a step and you'll have challenges.

2) I just posted a tutorial titled, "Blogging for $$'s From Home -- 5 Basic, Key Secrets". 

It should be available later tonight or tomorrow... so please stay tuned.  I'll send you a post leading to that link.

In this tutorial, it gives you 5 Handy Tips for Maximizing Your Blogging Success.

You will have to start a blog of your own if you haven't done so.

You can start your FREE blog using pull in FREE

* Because your WA blog is internal, it's possible that this site may not be viewed by the general public.

* You must have a domain name for this project to work.  If you don't have one, you can get one for $7 - $15/year by using, 1 &, or Hostgator.  There are many hosting services available.

* For those of you working the WA Blog & Funnel, this would only work for blogging $$ if your WA Blog moves related Internet marketing products/services.  You must list your domain name with one of the sites to get paid.

It takes 2 months of regular posting on a new blog to get it approved.  Once you're approved, you're ready to go! 

No matter how challenged you feel today, please hang in there.  With persistence, you will piece together an amazing and powerful marketing puzzle, and no one will ever own you again!

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non Guru, Guru


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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Barbara. I'm starting a series of blogs that will relate back to my main site, and will showcase certain products individually. Hope it works.