Cherry Picking The Right Sub-Niche

Last Update: July 26, 2010

Hey There Fellow WA Buddies,

You've probably seen cherry picking all over the home page at WA with good reason.

From time-to-time, there are some decent FREEBIES out there.   

*  The goal is to get you valuable content accelerating your learning curve.

*  Try

(You may have to cut/paste the cherry picker link into your web browser.)

NOTE:  Always use the WA Tools First.  They are far more powerful than most of these individual tools..., but you can get helpful learning tips with these smaller offers.  Then if something doesn't make sense, couple your research with a few add'l tools.  Always use the FREE stuff first.  Get packed content for as little as you can.  Head back here because WA gives you major powerhouse content at a significantly reduced cost you'd commonly pay elsewhere.

I just wrote a tutorial on this titled, "Domain URL + Same Title = Top 5 Google Rank".

For specific details on how to get this valuable free software, head over to my tutorial.  You should see it listed in the home section of the forum.  You will also find this identical link wherever you see another WA buddy listing cherry picking or SEO in a learning resource title.

*** Remember -- Top #1 Paid Google Listing Can Cost You Bigger $$.

*** If you get a #3 natural listing, you can eventually get low cost clicks...and we're talking about penny clicks if you play the game correctly! Never pay more than .50/click if you don't have to.


Why This Content Is Helpful

It shows you just how important it is to pick the right domain and name the title of your campaign the same.

See the 16-minute video.

But.., notice how Ryan sets up his campaign. 

* The Affiliate link takes you to his opt-in list.

* The FREEBIE giveaway helps Ryan build his list FAST by placing the software in the social networks (Facebook and Twitter, to name a few).

* This is marketing at it's best..., but you'll get life-saving tips in his video.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means,



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Amazing Girl Premium
Thank you so much, you have great blogs and I get alot out of each one of them
Devan Premium
Thanks Barbara. It's really great.
jatdebeaune Premium
Again, Thank you Barbara.
ana_nimoss Premium
Wow, I am pretty much bookmarking all your much great information. It will be months before I get them! Thanks!