Creating An Action-Packed Keyword Phrase That Pays

Last Update: September 02, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Here's how I brainstorm thousands of keywords leading to something that will have very little competition while targeting those most ready to buy.

Think in terms of the pains you've faced. 

Write those down. 

Now think in terms of what others might face in IM and write those down. 

You don't always know what these problems will be ahead of go with what you know best.

As you brainstorm pains and frustrations of Internet marketer, when someone is ready to buy, they will name their pressing problem specifically.

You can leverage products/services people already buy online but then pull those ideas into your keyword phrases.

The spot-on, hot keyword phrase targeting buyers will suggest a solution to a core problem all in 1 sentence.


Solving woes related to logging in and having trouble with passwords --

Your solution ?






The longer the keyword phrase, the fewer your competitors will be...


the more unique your keyword phrase is..., the shorter your domain and URL can get the top Google ranking.


If you don't know much about forming landing pages, that's ok.

Pull in your blog.  I cite a 3- in -1 Content Rule --

Offer 3 rich posts.

Pull in the offer on the 4th post.



Dedicate this blog to "E-Protecting Consumer Identities"....(you can get creative and make up catchy, new words).

Offer 3 articles related to various problems about identity troubles on your blog  --

1) Blog Post #1

Topic -- Identity Theft - What It Is -- How To Stop It - Pull In A Few Ideas Leading to Solutions (but don't spill all the beans here).

Specific Headline:  

3 Ways to Prevent Identity Thefts Before It Happens

2) Blog Post #2

Topic -- Spotting Theft of Your Identity  + Talk About What It Involves + Talk About How It Happens

Specific Headline:

Insider Secrets -- Protecting YourSelf Online

(Better Still)   Identity Theft Problems Solved, 2 Insider Secrets

3) Blog Post #3

What You Don't Know About Cyber-Criminals

Specific Headline:

5 Top Ways People Steal Your Name Online

4)  Blog Post -- Content With Affiliate ID Shortened (Pull in TINY URL)

Pull your affiliate link into your content by making it a hyperlink.

5) Affiliate solution --

  • Head over to Roboform and see what I'm talking about...
  • The answers there show you precisely what someone wants to solve...
  • Pull those pains into your ad copy to trigger the frustration...
  • Pull in a URL..."sleep-safely-at-night-with-secure-logins-and-pws"...
  • Grab your Roboform=?affiliateID
  • You optimize your URL and your ad copy along the same lines, consistent with what I shared here...mentioning the pains and frustrations..leading to 1 product...
  • secure-passwords-safely-for-less/roboform (affiliate ID masked here)

This helps others find you easily when they trigger your ad...and Google is happy.

Please post your comments if this post does not help.   I will find a better way to teach this concept because it means the difference between closing people or just scratching your head!

I am most wiling to find better ways to show you what I mean.

I haven't yet obtained video/audio software + screen capture but I'm working in that direction to kill the verbage.

If you don't know what a hyperlink is, please ask and I will form a quick post on "hyperlinking the right way"!

Toasting Your Success,

Barbara...bkb2012...the Non Guru, Guru.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Great info as usual. Thanks Barbara.
famousplumber Premium
I'm gonna try it. Thank you. It's quite specific, yet if I have any issues with it may I contact you?