Creating Fresh Content Google Loves! Website Coursework, Part 1

Last Update: November 16, 2010

Creating Fresh Content Google Loves!

Website Coursework, Part 1

Welcome New Buddies!  May you find your learning here profitable.  Stay level headed..., stay the course, and you will identify campaigns leading to steady profits!

Hello WA Buddies,

Today's post offers you something special.  I'm going to demonstrate how content can be your friend online as that content gets your blog or website indexed (and ranked highly with Google).  I will simplify content to keep it clear.

We know that Google loves fresh, regularly-updated, unique content ,and it will index sites that look different from all the rest.  The ones who do this well hit the top search spots with the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN).

To understand how your content should appear on a website or a blog, I will start big and move in smaller directions to show you how tightly focused marketing answers your need for select keyword phrases that are "just right for you".

Websites can appear in 3 ways.  For now, let's just cover 2 examples because these are the most common ones you'll see online:

1)  Major (macro) niche sites

2)  Minor (micro) niche sites

Think of a major niche site having 70 pages of closely-related content.  This is called an authority site.  I'll use WA as prime example of an authority site because it targets people who want to work from home by using Internet marketing in their work.  So Internet marketing education is the major niche.

Within your Internet marketing education, you have 100's of smaller, micro niche groupings.  As an Internet marketer (or web publisher), you're looking for subjects that are narrowly-focused. The tighter the niche, the easier it is to convert inquiring minds into willing buyers.

I cite chain saw sharpeners as a micro niche.  Inside of that website, you will have many related sub-topics.  You want to know how smaller topics work within the larger niches so you can write relevant, meaningful content people will want most.

If you're not following what I'm saying so far, just think about people's problems inside of WA.  What are they looking for?  The bottom line is that they want:  1) Pay at home...and 2) pay that comes within a reasonable period of time..., 3) passive income...residual income...affiliate income.  WA members will naturally look for tools, systems, lesson plans, action plans, and help getting them over the goal line. 

It's the same deal with micro niches.  By the time someone visits a micro niche, they've gone through research to know what's out there.  Now, they're looking for specific products and know-how helping them solve their biggest frustrations and/or pains.

When you think like your audience, you're in the game for profit!


Go through WA and see if you can name the micro niches appearing inside of this authority site:

1) You will see content about blogs

2) Websites

3) Traffic

4) Converting traffic

5) Advertising

6) Oodles of Tools

Now see if you can spot the micro niches inside of each major topic category (or macro niche) by breaking the major ideas into smaller sub topics.  These are your micro niches).  The goal in learning this exercise is to know how things are organized online so that you can target the best keyword phrase that pays..., related to what will be your site..., major or minor.

I'll break the 5 WA major topics into sub-groups:


A) Blogging

     A1)  Here would be a sub-niche

B) Blogging

     B1) Here would be a sub-niche

(Answers:  A1) WordPress blogging for affiliate marketers using clickbank products... B1) Pros and Cons of use.


A)  Building an authority website through XCite Pro

B)  Building websites through Site Rubix

C)  Required elements of proper website construction for best Google indexing


(now see if you can fill in the blanks by entering your sub-niche ideas)




(Some Answers: A) Generating quality traffic through ezine article use,  B)  Using the top 5, most viewed ezine articles to develop attention grabbing headlines, C) Attracting high quality, targeted traffic through UTube video use.





(Some Answers: A) Converting traffic through sales pulling UTube videos, B) Converting suspects into prospects into willing buyers by leveraging WA Blogs, C) Converting inquiring minds into ready buyers through hot headline use.





(Some answers:  A) Free advertising building organic traffic listings at Google, B) Paid advertising through Google pay per click search, C) Adsense advertising using authority sites.

6) Oodles of Tools

This is the easy one.






(Some Answers:  A)  Using WA learning tutorials building WordPress Express blogs, B) Blogging for $'s pulling in blogs, C) WA action plan using the WordPress Express blog and funnel system.

If your answers were simple, that's is perfectly ok.  The main point is to get you into the habit of categorizing and sub-categorizing content so you can spot underserved sub-niches (or micro markets) paying you for your products and services.

What does this exercise basically do for you?  It helps you get your website or blog indexed a bit sooner, and it helps you pull in the most relevant, meaningful blog or website content Google will adore!

Please let me know if this post helped.  If not, you can offer your replies at the end of this post!  

Toasting Your Success Online!












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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Barbara, yet another jewel in your crown.
WRI Premium
YEP !!
Sherion Premium
Thanks. I am not doing anything on website yet, but I am going to keep this in mind.