Determining Website Value of An Affiliate in 4 Steps

Last Update: September 04, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

I am about to share an exercise with you that you will want to remember, but before I do that...

  • First -- I have been missing a few of your comments so bear with me.  I'm working through the list.

  • Second -- Regarding the WA Blog & Funnel, please NOTE:  If you see content inside of WA guides, sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not there

  • .If you are having FTP problems, content in this program is being developed and servers are being added to reduce overloading.  Don't forget to pull in your CORE FTP Light software to start your sessions.

  • Third -- Today's post, Part 1 puts heavy artillery in your hands before you open fire on your campaigns.  Part 2 helps you determine whether or not an affiliate program is right for you... so stay tuned for that post.

  • Four -- I have constructed content in a 3-part series and later posts will address how to tap into the direct power of the Pay Pal Pay button. 

(NOTE:  Your job is to look for uniquely rich content you can place under your name to build a your own FREE report.  I will publish a tutorial on how to best do this.  This helps you begin your listing building.)

(NOTE:  If you are really new, you can pull in affiliate marketer's website content by rewording it here and there, citing the reference, and showcasing your name. This starts your marketing system on a solid footing.)

Here's what you're here to read.

Determining Website Value of An Affiliate in 4 Steps

Step 1)  Find a website online

Step 2)  Pull In Alexa

Enter the URL you want to know more about to view the stats inside of Alexa.  

You'll see traffic and more, but I offer an example below.

Step 3)  Pull in Web Worth

Click on website value calculator.

Enter URL and hit submit.

Look at the numbers.

Step 4)  Look for website value.

This basically tells you whether a website is profitable, undergoing construction, growing, or not profitable.  Sometimes, campaigns are not yet profitable because the Internet marketer is tweaking that campaign..., but use discernment.


Keep  in mind -- you do not see top shelf marketer's campaigns because the most profitable ones operate "under the radar".   They pull in aliases and use dummy "up-front, viewable pages" to protect their most sensitive content.  This is necessary to protect marketer's identities, protect their businesses from aggressive corporate takeovers, and more.

I put my fictitious URL into Alexa

Here's what I got:

Alexa Rank : 29,759
Alexa Links in : 251
Alexa Load Time : 1.091 seconds

Pull in the Website Value Calculator

Click on website value calculator located at the top of the site..left-hand side. 

Enter the URL of the website in your calculator. 

Hit submit.

You should see the numerical value of the site you entered.

In my SEO1, the value was $80,000.

You want to know what traffic is and you want value because this helps you spot solid ads leading to solid websites.  

I'll stop there so you can digest this content.  It all fits together so please don't give up.  

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara...bkb2012...the Non-Guru, Guru.


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Heyr Premium
Great post!
jatdebeaune Premium
If anybody deserves gold, it's you. Thank you for the massive effort on our behalf.
jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, I'm going to keep a notebook full of your posts. Then after this, you have to teach me karate.