Do 30-Day Blueprints Work?

Last Update: November 02, 2010

Hello WA Buddies,

I'm going to tackle a subject we're all clamoring to fill NOW!  We all want to be paid NOW, right?  Who doesn't ? 

It's time for another black belt marketing workout. It's here to help you toughen up your skills needed for business negotiations and closing online deals. 

Example:  I closed a deal last night on the phone, and I called the New York fellow this morning to find out how he was doing.  I use regular follow-up to program into people's minds that I'll be the one to meet their business needs. This is one prevailing key to your success. 

  • You want to become the major problem-solver who is so valuable that you can charge higher prices on your more advanced offers.  Otherwise, your business will nickel and dime you to death, not to mention your other commitments.
  • Your online system must also reflect the power of your follow-up when that system is set up well
  • Not everything will work right away.
  • People will tell when that happens, apologize and let them know "we're working to resolve the technical issue"
  • You will need the help of your buddies here at WA so they can test your links and look at your content 
  • We help each other look "together" before we truly go live
  • I have a few Internet train wrecks which appeared because the buddies I hired to do the job faltered.  At that time, I didn't have a full buddy system in place. I'm still rectifying those problems.

Do 30-Day Blueprints Work? 

I have to tell you how I ask for the money because this is something we're not taught in college to do very well so we stumble through different experiences until we get it right.

Let's go back to the New York fellow who called me last night.

I said, "OK.  Jeff..., I can offer you a 30-minute business assessment. After that, I'll ask you what you've done and can do, then we'll align your strengths and weaknesses to suit this online marketing for you." Fair enough? 

"After that, I'll show you what I have and we'll get you going".

(NOTE: I told him what I had, I gave him a general here's what's involved, and I included two price levels relevant to his situation -- the need to work something online so he can perhaps leave his day job. I gave him a high figure and a low figure, I asked him to choose one best fitting into his budget)

As we covered these points, I repeatedly made sure he took the action in that present moment to view my site, then I confirmed the URL, and then asked him to tell me what he saw (the site itself). 

I asked him to submit his name and email so we could legally exchange the help he'd need, and then I closed the deal after he asked his questions.  We went straight to the price.  Whether he paid me in that moment was important but I knew that as long as I had his contact information, Jeff would give me additional chances to close the deal.  Additionally, I know he will close on future offers once I get him into the first one..provided I do my job well.

I told him why he needed to pull in the Internet learning education rather than paying $32,000 for an MBA (like I did)...because this was something he was considering. 

And...because Kyle, Carson, and Marcus are working their tails to get you what you need, I'm playing devil's advocate.  With all humor intended here..., kindly go back to the Action Plan if you're not sure what to do.

30-Day Blueprints Work When:

  • You have marketable skills in place.
  • When your business plan breaks up into different parts the public absolutely needs. 
  • Those are paid price levels you'll share, then you'll list prices from small to large to largest. 
  • Your services/products must meet intense needs to stand apart from the majority offering the same, predictable thing.
  • Your quality must be head and shoulders above the rest so you can effectively compete.
  • Kindly, keep your day job going until you can transition safely into steady profit
  • Unless you have deep pockets, the job income will offset pressures you face to get your Internet marketing foundation well in place.

These are tough market times and businesses online (and offline) are in great need to make their adjustments.

Unless you have the skills and documents to support what you're moving online for profit, it's this part that you're actually building now.

If you walk into a local business today, and try to present yourself with the current Internet marketing skills you have in place right now, could you do it? That's the acid test.  Could you show a stranger that their small business needs your services?  Could you tell them why you are valuable to them NOW?  These are Q's I had to answer long before I appeared online.  It's at that point where you'll earn profits.

1) Can you set up A-Weber?

2) If the small business has a website, how do you know it works or doesn't work? 

HINT:  It has to capture emails and names and it has to build the list..and if the site isn't indexed, you have to know how to do this.

You can pay someone to do these things for you, but if you can't, then you are the one who must put the oars into the water.

Could you deliver a website designed to get some small business phone ringing so they can move products/services? That's what they'll need.  

3) Can you write some ad copy and/or articles to promote the website and or blog?

4) Do you feel comfortable going outside of WA to position yourself as an expert?

Do you have headlines you can pull into your social marketing to pull someone over to your Facebook fan club? These are the things that take time to construct.

When you're learning the basics, these are some of the things you're getting. 

You will want to strengthen yourself before you go public because people will be tough on you if they sense that you don't know what you're talking about.  When you do, it's no big deal. They can get huffy or humorous and you're ready to deliver.

People will test you before they open their wallets.

So going back to the New York guy I had on the phone -- they hear a confident voice that can answer many question at no advanced notice because I have:

* blueprint success systems in place

*  teleconferencing skills to move products through a live environment

*  million dollar scripting that helps to close a difficult deal where my rebuttals are simple or complete

*  I have many options available:

If they want MLM -- no problem.

If they want Internet marketing education -- no problem.

If they want a blend of affiliate marketing with the other 2 plans - no problem.

If they want superaffiliate marketing -- it's available! 

If they want product creation -- it's available.

If they want private coaching -- it's available.

If they want group marketing support -- it's available.

I have a massive digital library at my fingertips that took 5 years and plenty of $$ to build.  I'm still building. 

Before you offer solutions that will be very viable, your quality will help you stand apart, but you'll need an extensive network in place to support what you're doing with consumers. 

You truly can't get everything overnight but you can definitely create it!

Again...pull in the WA Action Plan. 

Pull in the superaffiliate marketing. 

Pull in tools, link cloaking, your blogs, and websites, one at a time...slowly, surely...steadily and Rome will appear.  We'll even crown you Caesar!

Get massive help here at WA. 

This is the ONLY place online that opens it's network to you, anytime!  Other places DO NOT do this.

Go to live training calls like I do weekly, if need be.

Set up relationships with the superaffiliates (as I have and do often). 

I hire personal coaches who help me all the time, but the main point is I've been doing these things full-time for 5 yes... people are contacting me.   They're opening their wallets...but you still have to build trust, have a wide variety of offerings you can bring to the table, and more.


You can get instant traffic. If your website stinks and is not interactive or even connected to an autoresponder...or supportive of the different types of files moving your products/services, you've spent $$ needlessly on some advertising like ppc.

If people contact you via email, you will struggle a bit.  It happens and that's OK. 

The key is to keep working. Keep learning...keep sharing what you're digesting, and interact.  When you do these things, you won't have trouble transitioning into paid work because you will have tackled the bull by the horns long before you had to do so.

The game can be challenging, but it's at that time that you'll be in your business for the long haul. You'll be able to take a day off because your online work will be working for you 24/7. So -- it's not just about sales (even though this is very important).

You're after an operational IM platform building a business you can sustain at paid levels over many years.  It has to be sustainable as you grow your numbers.  That's also why you want to use your WA blog!

Later on -- legally protect your name and your operations, protect your business assets, and move into true wealth without losing it all because you didn't know better.

A Major Business Motto Is:

The more you know..., the better off your customers will be, and the higher your retention rates will be.  It really doesn't matter what you're moving. Marketing requires consistent folllow-up to keep those sales #'s high.

If you are not sure what your #'s for performance have to be, and you're not sure how frequently you must contact people to hit those targets, that's what you want to find out.  Pull in the WA money/performance template for a start and see how you can carry those numbers over to your own campaigns.

In prior posts - I have given you targets, #'s for profit, and performance levels but again... if you don't have the basic marketing stuff in place, you're sitting in the middle of a dry desert with no traffic, no pay, and no business.  I say this also with respect. 

Learn...toughen up here...relate to dedicated, and you will attract a following.  You will get paid.  It is inevitable!

My products are coming your way, success plans are coming, step-by-step stuff is coming, and more.

Toasting Your Success Online!

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