Duplicate Content Article Coming !

Last Update: July 13, 2010

Hello Fellow WA Buddies!

First -- I'd like to offer a warm welcome to new buddies!  They are joining us daily.  In this post, I offer several ideas so please be patient.  They are not listed by order, but they all work together.

Second -- Please feel free to go through my network to add anyone you wish.  If you prefer using the WA forum or home base, you can easily add buddies to your profile by clicking on their images, but be certain to add them as buddies.

Also, be certain to offer sincere help wherever you can.  There's huge talent at WA, and by helping others, you can easily position yourself.   Even if your help might seem small right now, you will help someone out of a mess.  And.., you will develop key skills you need to generate business revenue ($$).

In the coming post, I will address duplicate content appearing within a domain and across a domain.  It's not what we typically think -- content appearing as the result of someone copying that content. 

This is a topic related to proper website construction, giving readers and search engines the "right stuff" by then adding relevant content you know others will want. 

It's about making certain your website carries the right elements (site structure, titles, tags, meta information and more) so that your site doesn't look like someone else's website.

It's about being chosen by the major search engines because you will know what a canonical tag is.  I talk about that important ingredient soon and there is a simple solution involved.

In cases where you're marketing a product or service another affiliate markets,  I talk about how duplicate content impacts you.... for better or for worse..., to avoid trouble ahead-of-time.   Then, I offer concrete examples showing you what duplicate content does to build or thwart that success. 

Please stay tuned.  I am checking all examples to make certain they make sense to you.

Does Duplicate Content Apply To New WA'ers? 

Every bit of learning you get fits together. 

I will say  -- repeating myself again...

.*  You need time to connect finite dots 

*  If I could tell you one thing -- it would be to use the WA 8-week system

*  Even if you don't understand bits of information now, you will in due time 

*  One small moment fits into another

*  You need a website, an autoresponder, data capture (ways to put peoples' contact information on your list), a free report or free whitepaper, a newsletter, a blog, some articles in the form of rich content you can offer, back end offers aligning to the messages up front, and included upgrades. Think along product and service lines.

EX:  Dinosaur Dig

What does the website offer besides a tour?  T-shirts, mugs, pictures of  dinosaurs, displays, "fake bones you can buy"... and more.  The content talks about different types of dinosaurs, what they ate, how they lived, etc.

It talks about "how they got stuck in the tar pit" for later excavation or "how the tar pit formed before they got stuck".  See how all of the content fits together?  How would something like this be listed?  Run a test to help your mind grab keyword ideas.  Woolly mammoths, big dinosaurs found in (city, state).

Keep your research and baby steps going daily.  This is very important to build and develop real momentum.

Rate all of your readings, even if you only get 15 minutes of study in per day.

The smallest steps taken daily ADD up in ways you've never imagine.  Want PROOF?  You fine people are here.  I've been publishing on this blog for about 9 months now.  

Build your profile. Form posts even if you're struggling for ideas. Hop online to see how people communicate.  Use notepad to write down your ideas so that you can easily cut/paste that content over to your blog post.

Everything you do here works in the real world!

I will continue sharing real time details about the WA Blogging & Funnel System.  It is hugely big for your first-time success.  It shows you how to "template" other campaigns so that you will own all aspects of that campaign. Please head to the WA Blogging & Funnel System as soon as you can.  It taps into the powerful, award-winning Word Press (self-hosted) blog..., dot org..., not dot com (not powerful enough for your marketing).

Also kindly remember ,  in your Internet marketing, you are learning KEY skills that pay --

* article marketing

* keyword research

* website construction

* indexing a website

* ranking a website (by search engine page rank)

* using sweat equity to build your enterprise on a budget

* finding creative ways to tap into your local community

* writing your own ad copy (the print you see here)

* writing compelling messages to ask someone to do something

* and more.

For those of you who have been loyal to these posts, thank you.  I offer you AN ADDITIONAL BONUS  --- HINT -- When using the WA Blogging & Funnel System, choose an SEO optimized Internet marketing template.  I believe it is found on page 19 of the Word Press selection. 

Plans are to include some bonuses in other blog posts, but you will see things in the IM Word Press description such as: canonical tags, SEO optimized for IM'ers, formatted blog for IM'ers, and more.  This template is powerful because you can include Word Press plug-in's that expand blogging use, include superr powerful marketing, and affiliate product promotions.

I will continue to bring you the highest quality information relating to Internet marketing and your success online!  WA is a superb place to learn the very best marketing!  I promise.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,





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