Duplicate Content Tutorial

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Offering 2 quick notes: 

1) WA Blog & Funnel System Report

2) Duplicate Content -- What It Really Means To You

I have resources checked on the duplicate content tutorial.

All  examples are complete and specific solutions are in place. 

I am now transferring content over to the tutorial for you. 

HINT: I'm showing you the actual steps I use to write and publish tutorial content.  You want to do this to tap into the natural traffic at WA!  Once you publish content on any IM subject, the tutorial is archived under your name.  Now how many Internet marketing places let you do that?  Not many !

The duplicate content tutorial will cover: 1) what duplicate content is unintentionally and  intentionally, 2) how it works online to get you a natural listing (organic traffic which is free)..., and 3) how it works against you and for you.

Against proper indexing online is more minimal than we would think, but look for that tutorial in the WA home section next. 

Please feel free to rate the tutorial because this helps me serve you better. 

You can also post comments and suggestions at the end of the tutorial.

LIVE Work on the WA Blog & Funnel System !!

Is as follows. Every day means you'll hit a brick wall. Key thing -- don't give up.

* Hit a wall with File Transfer Protocol (FTP). 

This transfer of data doesn't always work with each session. 

* We have can serve that's down

* The domain host doesn't connect to the WA server

* The main domain name doesn't point to the WA server (very important so you can see your WA blog appear)...

* More commonly, you may have to first manage your domain URL connected to your WA blog...

You do this by pointing your WA blog URL to your main domain (so it accesses the WA server...pull in DNS nameserver settings over to your web host.  You will see 2 spaces for the code you find at WA under the blog and funnel system.

Before we can fully hatch this chicken, you have to configure your e-panel at your web host. This is odd when you're first doing this but take it in baby steps. This is where you'll eventually build a website listed under your domain.

The WA blog compliments the WA Funnel System (connected to A-Weber). 

It is set up this way so that you can move traffic fast, build your list, establish connections, and find out what people are "struggling to solve". 

Your main WA Funnel should carry your affiliate links to products at WA you prefer most so it does become a personalized site. Clever. Hopefully we won't have duplicate content issues...but just in case, check out my tutorial so you're armed in advance. You want to write articles pulling in your personality and life experience.  This sets you apart from others but it put a unique spin on your campaign.

Do I Submit My WA Blog Once It's Working?

No.  Start with social networks and people you think may want to work from home.  These are people who want to work part-time or full-time.  They are looking for a legitimate business model.  They're willing to invest in what's needed, but you want to test them beforehand.  Tell them what it costs to set up their domain name and web hosting.  Then...tell them what can happen if they try to go it alone online.  It's not a great prospect because the top 1% marketers all hire Internet marketers who know what they're doing.

Social Networking 

I use Linked-In, Plaxo, Facebook, Twitter to test content and move traffic to my blog and main site. Without yet getting into paid Facebook advertising or ppc with Google, the social networks give you a chance to "get your feet wet". 

* Offer something compelling in the form of a headline that describes the major headache, then provide your blog URL.

* Try not to hit people over the head with offers.  At this stage in your marketing, you're just after connections and setting up early relationships with people who will trust you to BUILD YOUR LIST. That's why you need an autoresponder.

* Once people are on your list, you will have ample opportunity to offer them various products/services and your closing rates (conversions..people who submit information, ask for more information, then ask for recommendations, and hit the pay button.  These will increase over time going beyond single-digit numbers.

* When you first release your site, be patient. It takes a good 10-15 exposure ads with any one person before they really know what you're about.

* Be consistent daily. Offer a brief post, include your link

* Find ways to vary your message

* Pull in hubpages

* Squidoo is coming up "not favored by Google these days".  We had too many folks pushing offers.

* Pull in US FREE ADS if you like

* Be enthusiastic.

* When you do these things, fear won't stand in your way.

* Your job is to naturally build trust and rapport but give people what they need so we can move them into profit.

* Be subtle and be a true expert.  It will attract others to you.

* Ask WA buddies to test your links and offer content feedback

* Get people into the habit of taking small actions with you.

* Ask them to submit their contact information to learn more.., then present a link. Always get contact information first so they'll follow your newsletter via e-mail marketing.

* You want to make certain your A-Weber or Get Response is working so that you can send your free WA report.or keep them updated on pressing Internet marketing matters.

* You want to get at least 5 e-mails set up in the autoresponder.  Follow the pictures you see in the WA Blog & Funnel System directions.  If you get stuck, chances are that your brain is focusing on "the words".  That can be confusing.  Focus on the images, step-by-step because setting up the autoresponse is easier than it seems.

We're getting folks who hit the first brick wall as they point a new domain or have trouble setting up their early connections with the web host and WA server.

If you have any questions at all, I will assist as I develop my WA blog and funnel system further. 

How I Develop the WA Blog & Funnel System

I have focused on quality development of the blog and the main site so that everything flows.

Then I apply the system to my marketing team to help them with their early Internet marketing education.

I e-mail people daily to offer "helpful IM tidbits" and then I ask them what they're struggling with. Many are not in profit and many are confused about finding a profitable niche.  HINT:  Think of organizations you've belonged to.  This is one starting point.  Are you expertly positioned in one realm where people may follow you?

Prime the pump so that people will  click on your links to find out more but offer content they can use today.

To Develop the Wealthy Affiliate Blog & Funnel System, you must 1) obtain regular traffic (using free means first), 2) keep the traffic moving to build quality links (eventually leading to your main site), 3) write articles, 4) submit content advertising your system..., but 5) try to keep your campaign neutral. 

IMPORTANT -- Position your name at all times and you offer your expertise when you can.  If you get stuck answering questions or providing solutions, we are here to help. Early newcomers will watch you for a while to make sure you're here to stay.

* I check out Kyle and Carson's updates often and head to their tutorials, look at the images, then follow the directions

* When I hit a wall, I pull back and focus on other marketing.  I am problem-solving as I sleep at night (which is how it usually happens)

* If you can't spot the problem, chances are that you need to use your web host tutorial (configuring your e-panel inside of your account ).

* Then focus on "managing your domain and your WA blog URL"

Once you get this working, you can then ask people here at WA to cue you into content.  Publish those findings over on your blog without spilling every marketing bean

* See if you can grab the attention of people

* Work on holding their interest

* Then offer a strong CTA (call to action) to do something.


Make Sure Everything Works Before You Drive Traffic

* Use WA buddies to test.

* If you get a 404 error message on your WA site, it has to point to the WA "DNS server name" entered in 2 small spaces under domain management.  Call tech support if stuck.

Make Certain You Have A Blog With Early Content

Make certain that your blog has early content and let readers know that you will be posting more. 

When your WA blog is complete and working in all places before heading into the social networks, you're armed and ready.

This system is amazing.  It will be powerful when viewed. 

What it gives you is an early marketing template you can pull over to other campaigns.  You can also add more Word Press templates to add as many blog sites as you wish....5, 10, 15 sites.

See page 19 of the template WA Word Press express system..., add the recommended SEO plug-in once you've formed your account at Word Press. 

Hit file transfer (FTP) once you use your WA documented URL details (see your WA Blog & Funnel System).., hit "view details".

Make certain your blog URL appears under your domain name at your web host.

Once you do these things, you're writing content articles, blog posts, e-mailing people, presenting updates, and giving them solid reasons to trust you. When you do that, they will follow your recommendations. That's when you get paid.

Any Q's??

Feel free to post your comments and/or suggestions at the end of this post.  I answer all questions directly. (NOTICE: This last part is the CTA -- call to action to ask you to do something)??

Toasting Your Success ! This marketing funnel and blog will be powerful !



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ana_nimoss Premium
Wow, so much great information as usual. I booked marked this for future reference. Thank you!