EEK! I Accidentally Deleted 4 Buddy Requests!

Last Update: January 20, 2011

Help WA Buddies!

Does anyone know how to retrieve buddy requests?  I accidentally hit the wrong button...delete rather than add.  OH NO.

Buddies are everything. 

Without them -- you're sunk.

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morlandroger Premium
oops Just to compensate I sent a buddy request. Careful what you do now. :-)
I know this is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, but can you remember any of the details about the avatars? You may find one or two this way if you look around. Not to spend a vast quantity of time on this, but you may recognize an avatar somewhere, just click on it and add to your buddy list. Otherwise, Labman is right...some of them might see your message here and respond to it by inviting you again.

I've added you to my buddy list!
Labman_1 Premium
One can only hope that they read your message and try again.
You could always check the new member forum to see if they have posted there.
DABK Premium
Been there, done that. Never figured out how to undo. But, I assure you, it's a sign of greatness. He he he!