Ethics In Internet Marketing, 701

Last Update: June 16, 2010

Hey There Fellow WA Buddies,

I hope your day has been met with some success!

I'll let you in on a secret.

Chalk it up to another day struggling with the site editor over at the WA resource creation section. It has to be my browser at Firefox...or too many neighbors downloading movies for fun...., or maybe I'm still missing the boat.  Whatever the reason, I'll hang in there if you will. In Internet marketing, you just have to keep on working even when your work moves slower than a snail.  I'll say  -- the snail won the race today.

Ethics In Internet Marketing, 701

I just wrote a learning resource for you titled, "Ethics In Internet Marketing, 701"...or something to that tune.  It's been a long day. I actually paid someone to construct a website, and while I agreed I wanted to learn how to do this, I got a partial result on the website.  It was my shortcoming. 

In the tutorial I'm sharing with you, I talk about ways to protect yourself without spending $$ on things that won't work for you "just because the quality isn't there".

Anyway, if I have 2 INTRO's in that resource, bear with me.  Some content would hold..., some wouldn't, but the overall flow should be fine.

The point behind this learning resource is to help you protect yourself from "silly-minded people who don't deliver what they say they will". They should  know better but sometimes they don't.

Biggest point -- whenever you ask someone to create something for you, ask this fine question: 

1) What will the work include

2) What will it NOT include

3) What is the limitation? 

Example -- You have someone write articles for you and you've asked them to write only 5 articles for 5 different websites --'s not an informed request because this result doesn't work very well. Pick one campaign and advertise it like the crazy.  I was hired to do this very thing.  I told the person who who wanted this work... "I can do that, but if you pay me X $$'s for 5 articles where only 1 article goes on 1 website,  you won't even be a blip on the traffic screen". Mainly, that person would be wasting his $$, and I'd be spending my time for no results. 

You have to publish a ton of you have to " tell people when it's wise to proceed or not "...or in the very least..., let them know what's involved in delivering something that will get results.  You get the idea. 

Anyway -- here's sending you happy wishes !! You are important.

If you get stuck on anything, please know.  I'm here to honestly help.

Toasting Your Internet Marketing Success,


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