How To Find Seed $$

Last Update: July 28, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

I have been hard at work on a national campaign these past few days.  The work is exhausting, but it is exhilarating. We're in day 2 of launch. We've had major success targeting our campaign and we have 55 opt-in's into the team newsletter. Tomorrow we're still locating targeted people who will absolutely be motivated to hear what we can offer.  Why I'm sharing this news. 

Your top priority as an Internet marketer is to define what people need.

From there, you're looking for ways to deliver concrete specifics on that need.  It may involve setting up websites that are interactive.  It may include configuring accounts so that they all mesh online with that website.  It may involve setting up an autoresponder along with specified e-mails and/or followup.  These services are extremely valuable.

Now, here's what's important to you as you are learning IM basics:

Bear with me -- I repeatedly hit this content because it's hugely important to your overall success.

1) copywriting

Even in it's most basic form, it's important.

2) blogging

Gets you noticed

3) publishing articles, blog posts, being involved in helpufl forum commentaries as people are struggling to solve various issues

Gets you noticed

4) How To Find Important Seed $$ To Stay Afloat

*** You have to connect to people.

Start with the job board here at WA.  No matter how small the job is -- the goal is to "immerse yourself in action" because it will lead to bigger jobs.  It will.

Your goal through people connections is to find a true powerhouse who will help you.  Watch what they're doing.  Be patient.  They're working as you're working and learning.

Pick someone who's very, very honest and integrity-bound.  Never accept less because it could cost you everything in the end.

Ask a lot of questions from the people you meet.  Screen people carefully.  If they're elusive in anyway, they're off the team.

Ask the powerhouse you meet --

"Am I building YOUR list or mine"?  If I am buildling your list during my business start-up, precisely how much are you paying me if I promote your business?  This promotion could involve sending traffic to their website as you locate people who have a heavy need and desire for what's being promoted.

Then ask, are there residuals involved?  If so, how much will I get?  If it's a small job.  Take what you can as long as you verify that it will lead to more $$.  Don't settle for too little and always ask for more.  If you can dominate a territory in your marketing, then tell the powerhouse, "I'm working these areas".  

Ask all of the questions you need to ask and make this person work hard for you.

Agree to the terms..."If I take care of you, will you work hard for me"? to bring a solid team together because you can't go it alone.

It will happen.

5)  To get to a lucrative but quiet niche, it will take time, research and implementation of the things you're learning here.

Anything worth having will require your full attention.

If you are honest with others and most of all with yourself, you can't miss.

Ask for help.  Don't sit in the dark.  Work like a dog.  Set priorities..., and your success will come.

Please feel free to post your comments, questions, concerns and suggestions.

This is about getting you what you need most NOW!

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,





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