How To Zero In On Many Profitable Sub-Niches

Last Update: June 13, 2010

Hello Fellow WA Buddies!

I'm on a roll this weekend but I'd like to share brainstorming tips I use to zero in on several smaller niches.  When you're first new, just focus on 1 campaign.  As you help other Internet marketers get what they need, they will ask you for content suggestions.  This content helps your mind see new possibilities it hadn't formerly considered.

Finding A Niche That Pays

This can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of Internet marketing.  It's easier to find profitable niches when you're seasoned, however, when you're first starting out, you can pull in natural life experiences to start the brainstorming process.

Some ideas will come to you immediately. Others will take months and even years to appear (when you're developing campaigns after your first profitable one), but you will want to keep paper handy at all times to document your ideas.

Now Pull In Work History

During the course of your work history, you most likely had the chance to lead or inspire others. This is something that can take your marketing to higher levels because people are always looking for guidance.

When you're setting up your first campaign online, it's easy to get lost in the larger marketing crowd.  To differentiate yourself from everyone else, pull your fun life experience into your marketing..., combine it with your work history, but pull in lots of humor to easily relate to others.  Humor acts like a magnet.  It helps you hold audience attention, it uplifts others, but it keeps people coming back to you!  Don't negate the simpliest things you've done, and pick something you absolutely enjoy doing. That's important. You're going to be spending a lot of time working with people so you must really adore your subject matter.

Spotting Market Gaps

To stand out online and offline, you want to achieve excellence going beyond a  majority of your competitors".  This is already inside of you. I've talked about this before. Sure -- people will debate just how good you have to be..., but why do anything in life half-way?

Then..., look at what your competitors are doing online.

  • Do this on paper to see what's happening.
  • List who they are and note specifically what they're offering.
  • List what they are NOT offering.  This is your main hint.
  • Cross-list what's coming up totally "empty" when you look at a full list of say...15 competitors.
  • Is there something they could offer but aren't?
  • That's your window of opportunity!
  • Spot the gap.
  • Target your content, test the content, verify need, ask, then serve.
  • If you do this, you've most likely found a sub-niche others had missed.

Think Overview in I

Here's where some marketers falter. They don't tackle what's called "continuity" of their marketing programs. They're just running for "need after need". However, if you're going to create customer loyalty so that people will only come to you, you have to think comprehensively about your marketing. That's tough to do when you're first learning. I'll try to explain.  If nothing makes sense here, please feel free to post your comments. That's the only way I can serve you better.

Front-End, Back-End Marketing

Here's where you're figuring out ways to serve people just going beyond...say affiliate marketing. Think about your favorite authors.  I'll cite Harv Eker because he actually has a high end marketing program, $30K for his billionaire blueprint. But.., he has low end price points starting with freeie giveaways, $27 products, $57, and up to multlple thousands.

To be a successful business owner online or offline, you must offer a full line of products/services to stay afloat. To problem-solve what shape your program might take at all points, you will need to target the needs of many people fitting into their different levels of human development.

For example, if you consider weight loss, some people really don't know that much about the topic. So you can offer ways to solve that need. Others know basics but they need transitions ...say into some exercise program..., or if they're more advanced, they may want weight loss management for the long haul potentially taking them into teaching others how to do what they've learned.

So ..., if you find ways to list a comprehensive program within a niche (women in menopause), you will target the needs of those people at different levels of their development. That's how you expand product line offerings and services you build. Think about some type of complete program you can offer...

* starter information

* starter products

* starter pdf downloads

* intermediate information, intermediate content, intermediate resources, intermediate downloads, intermediate DVD programs.

* advanced info., content, resources, downloads, DVD's, guidebooks, certification, personalized seminars, things to help advanced people in the subject area move towards business promotion.

To answer these questions, as you write content, it will first target needs at many levels.  You'll stumble upon keyword phrase ideas as you're writing/publishing content + you'll fill in ideas for a most natural plan human minds can follow.   Try to think as both a consumer and a deliverer of things people want and need.

How well you do this determines the overall success of your organization expanding member attraction to member recruitment to membership growth, membership education, membership retention, and advanced membership (so that others will promote you).  This is the general formula for what can be a $100K/year plan, but it's really up to you to determine how much you want to earn. There are no limits.

Best-Seller Template (Can Be Advanced):

Some of the gurus online charge $97  for what is most likely "incomplete". As a business owner, you must be industrious whenever you can. Here's a better way. Pick up your favorite best-seller book, open it, and outline everything ! Then.., follow that template for FREE.

This is one idea for the future so keep it in mind. Best-sellers don't bring you "rich royalty checks asap". What they do is position you as a prime expert in a field so that others will seek you out in larger number. This "primes the purchasing pump" so that people will follow your suggestions and later ask you for recommendations. That's where you want to be to get paid consistently.

Program Delivery Online -- Now take your prior work/hobby knowledge to see how you can carry that know-how over to your Internet marketing. I've talked about this in prior posts, too. 

Pick a topic you really know a lot about to set yourself apart from all others.  Be the best at what you do. Know about your subject. I've run into marketers who claim they don't have to master sub-niche content, but an audience knows when you're giving them a snowjob or they know when you're just pushing any content just to get a sale.

You are looking for information that will help you answer --

* daily operations

* guidebooks

* requirements

* advancement for other people's self-improvement

* some type of promotion listed at all basic to advanced levels (this helps you problem solve your marketing at beginner, intermediate, advanced and super-promo Internet marketing levels

* listed benefits for others taking your program

* listing why you're different from all others (it could be because you potentially offer a comprehensive program unlike any other program in your smaller niche, it could be because you have something others can't offer, it could be because you zeroed in on a group the rest of the market can't deliver, it might be because you "roll out the red carpet" when other competitors "drop their people", it might be because you pay close attention to what others tell you so that you can bring them the best information available only gotten through you").

These are the real reasons why people will join you or act on your recommendations. I'll stop there to let your brain digest.  This is about setting up a solid business you can operate for as long as you want!

Toasting Your Internet Marketing Success Using Proven Means,



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ana_nimoss Premium
Excellent post. I took some notes. Thank you.