Ignite Fires Through Team Work, Transparency In Internet Marketing

Last Update: August 31, 2010
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Today's post talks about an open flow of communication that's more than 1 way.  One of the reasons why corporate America has hit the "skids" is because they've long held what are called power bases residing at the top of their organizational structures.  So they don't openly share the flow of information.

Let me tell you that it's time that all changed.  I'm not talking about conspiracy theories, but I am suggesting that people just get used to doing things in a certain way and they don't question what's happening until the roof has caved in.  So we're really asked as evolving human beings to challenge our own thinking.

Transparency In Internet Marketing

Now let me ask you something big?  When you work the 8-Week Plan and you repeat your readings to "let the content really sink in", please know that more understanding will settle.

Your brain is very powerful, and it seeks highly unique ways to piece everything together.  However, more of us think along similar lines than you might anticipate.  So that's where team work comes in handy.

Be An Active Force At WA

As part of my mindset mastery, the open series of burgeoning powerhouses, I urge individuals to join our inner circle.  There's no limitation to the #'s of people we can include here.

I'll prove it. 

  • In prior posts, I head straight to Kyle's, Carson's, and Marcus's content first. 
  • I hop on live training calls with Terry Duff  -- you could pick any of one of your top level marketers in live training calls
  • we cover copywriting, headline mastery, lead capture, autoresponder mastery, article marketing and ppc traffic
  • 800 people are on these calls at any point in time
  • We meet 2 - 6 days a week but we access archived recordings 4 - 5 days a week ...so believe it or not...there are some folks paving the way for you.

What Happens With Transparent Content

A force takes over in this work.  You become very motivated and excited!

Try not to fear competition.  Industries evolve when collaborations across companies happen.

You become stronger by working in a group, so others will not be able to compete with you ...and your working world will be much safe when you have others supporting you.  Intend it to be that way and take steps to reduce your risks:  use legal marketing, use protective privacy policies, pull in hacker safe methods, protect each others' identities online.

Take care of your buddies by realizing --  they become your life blood when you are working online.  Help them get the tools they need to self-automate.

Pull in supportive tech calls if you wish --

  • call anyone who wants a visit...1 on 1..and grow over time into group calls...but keep the calls as short as possible...
  • you can get a FREE account for 25 people -- freeconferencing.com
  • praise each others efforts
  • help someone understand the flow of a campaign


  • those of you who know how a campaign works -- help the others 
  • please don't cross recruit each other
  • keep your learning environment safe, neutral, and Internet marketing directed
  • help each other niche by niche

  • ask people --  "Where are you at and how can I help?"
  • work to actively move forward
  • set a realistic pace
  • ask people to check your work

  • have each other proof read and look at what makes or doesn't make sense
  • help with keyword research
  • show your buddies how to target buyers, not tire kickers
  • you need more than your eyes to look at a blog, a post, an article or your developing website
If you are not doing these things, it's much slower learning. 

Other teams you don't see are doing these things outside of WA:

  • working on live calls, pulling in email, staying connected
  • forming teams
  • highest producing teams get major volumes of work done
  • find teams of 3 and 4 for best results...5 can be tough
  • profits roll in when the work is done so
  • set up schedules
  • get a needed surgery or take a break
  • take off holidays if possible
  • take off Sundays
  • pull in the Internet marketers you like best
  • PLEASE -- use Kyle & Carson - they are extremely professional.

When you do these things, it creates massive excitement which leads to "attracting others to you".  People want to be on exciting, winning teams and it's massively fun.  You grow together and you become a family.  This interaction will lead to daily habits attracting large numbers of people to you.

Here's where things get extremely fun.

You will get an email sometimes when someone says, "You were there for me when others weren't." 

You will find some folks who don't want to work in a group.  That's ok. 

Find the ones who relish interaction. 

Make it safe for others to be there. 

Keep your ego at bay.  Be patient.

Please use constructive input. 

Criticism doesn't work.

Tell people what they're doing right.

Tell them, "Here's what needs improvement and/or more work..., but if you hang in there, you will get there". 

Tell them specifically how to get the results they want. 

If you don't know, research it and get back to them. Please don't wait for someone to do it for you.

I am only showing you what I do.  Learn to become the GO TO person others will seek out.  That's when you will be paid well.

Teach others everything you know.

Openly exchange information:

1) protect interests as business owners

2) pick each others brains constantly

3) form valuable relationships so that you can cross-promote one another outside and inside of WA

...rate each others lenses, star each others blog posts, cross-checking each others campaigns for active and/or broken links, look at ad copy and headlines, spot inconsistent domains that don't fit into a blog and website...

(NOTE: Google dislikes broken links and they'll give you a low quality website score and low page rank ...so this is something we can easily correct.)

4) massively accelerate your learning

5) keep you on a straight and narrow path

6) help you motivate on days where you'd rather "take it easy"

7) maintain high spirits when the going gets rough

8) protect you when you move into article marketing and ppc.

Lighthearted Challenge

Which one of you will take the initiative to pave the way ?

Goal at WA is to become the top producer of high quality IM'ers going way beyond anything Armand Morin does (he trains 20,000 at any one convention):

  • get as many people on a team
  • problem-solve with each other when stuck
  • move into profit faster
  • help one another with customer support issues
  • help set up autoresponders
  • help set up web hosting accounts
  • help set up emails
  • help set up basic blogs
  • help set up websites
  • find out what you don't know
  • avoid unnecessary marketing mistakes
  • exchange recommended information inside and outside of WA very carefully...recommend free resources..and low-cost, big bang content
  • avoid paying multiple thousands for guru junk
  • help with writing when article content doesn't flow
  • have a buddy poke you when you'd rather toss in the towel.

Feel free to post your comments, suggestions, and ideas.  You teach me more than I probably teach you so thanks go to --  Phil, Allen, Maghdalena, Matt, Prinker..., and more joining us daily.

If you get stuck on anything, let me know and I will direct you to a tutorial or write a post..., or I will e-mail you personally. 

To see a working campaign in professional order, click on any of my links.  My home-based business blog is being revamped, but the content is fine. 

I'll add my WA blog & funnel once more content is written.

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non Guru, Guru (not really)

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Old Mizer Premium
Thank you Barbara. I love to read your posts and always find them motivating. Which is what WA is all about. This is a community of people who are here to learn and help the person sitting next to them if they are stumped on something. Gotta love this place! 8^} ....Matt