In Successful Internet Marketing, Team Work Can Be Key

Last Update: August 24, 2010

Hey There WA Buddies!

Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non-Guru Guru here.  When you're moving online, you have to find people in numbers you can trust.  This post is not about Joint Venture (JV).  

The goal of this post --

1) talks about teamwork supporting your success

2) let you know I'm prepping more newbie IM content by way of pdf files and back end infrastructure designed to reveal more

Posts are made to address your Q's now.

Before I get to point #1, any Q's you send me in the future will include direct links to WA resources. This is to stay as efficient as possible, helping as many as possible in 1- fell swoop.

Team Work Applied

Ok.  So we've had those nightmarish moments in the past where no one would work with anyone.  Yes..., these are not happy moments.  I'm here to suggest that in Internet marketing, you can create the most productive teams by finding very positive, open, and dedicated people.

Here's why I suggest it  --

* I'm already e-mailing individuals everyday

* I'm asking them what they need

* I'm asking them what they know and like to do

* They're replying

* I'm looking for ways to help people connect to each other

Admittedly, when you first start any teamwork, it's like herding cats into a bag, trying to budge a BIG BOULDER.  For some, they work best 1-on1.

When you're new  to Internet marketing, very little makes sense.  At this point, you get exposure and absorb.

If it sometimes feels "as if you're sitting in a dark hole all by yourself", you're probably not feeling ok about how the WA site works.

You have to use the site daily because it will be personalized according to your use.

You want to get used to saying hello to others often because you'll have to do it outside of WA for your campaign success.

For those of us who pave the way ahead, there are a few of us and plenty of you.  So we're working as fast as we can to move our own campaigns, plus get you what you need most.   Patience is required.  Patience on your part is needed to get exposure.

And.., because you can't see me working -- I don't necessarily know how well you're doing if you're "still connecting basic dots".  I can help you get out of that hole if you're willing to follow my guidance.  You can e-mail me.

Team Players Identified

If I find 3 who are active and will be dedicated to the success of the team at individual campaign levels,  we don't co-mingle $$ to form a disastrous outcome like leaving you in the lurch as you work your fingers to the bone (while some other goofball benefits from your work).  Those T-shirts are ripped.

I'm talking about  agreeing together that you'll hang in there together to "get over the humps" faster than if you were sitting alone with no one to "quick -- research and get back to you with a solid answer".

How To Problem Solve In A Group Setting --

1)  It can be done over the telephone as long as people understand that we're working to scale those bricks walls together..

2) it can be done entirely through e-mail, blog posts, social networking, and use of the WA forum...

3) it can be done 1-on-1 but this practice will kill your business...

So you have to be more effective with your time.  When your business is taking off online, you'll have to pull in technology to help you meet that demand.

For those of you who are following these posts, you'll have to tell me what you're thinking.  

I have a full library of digital content at my fingertips..., content I've paid for and acquired through sweat equity as I've worked with numerous top marketers.

You can get that help but you have to reach out for it.

Why Many Heads Work Well Especially Online

If you think back to Elementary and High School where teams didn't work well, it wasn't because of any individual deficit.  It's more about identifying how people work together, as well as finding out what they want to do.  So nothing is forced. 

I'm here to say -- teams can work well when they aren't micro-managed.  Innovation is as it's best when  we remain open and know that we're each in charge of our business decisions. 

No one person's ideas are ignored.

I've spent 23 years managing and training individuals in groups.   It works well when people play both Chiefs and Indians. 

When trouble forms -- negotiation steps right in to stop the fussing..., and it's done well without further trouble ensuing. 

Put several heads together, pull in humor, and find ways to open minds.  What you get is sheer power.

Want to Know Why Team Work Can Work?

What do you think the Las Vegas gathering is about?

It's not to gamble...or if a few like gambling, it's done after all meetings have concluded.  These people are problem-solving.

When you are working in a group of...say 20 marketers, things really get rolling.

You get sick for a few days, and you know the work is being handled.

You have a ballgame to attend on a weekend with your kid, we rotate schedules ..not listed on paper per se..., but just communicated and followed through.  If there are snags, there are snags.  That's ok.  Any writing that first evolves can be edited later.  That's ok. teams, people go through some storming but that's because roles are temporarily challenged.  In tiime, everyone settles down and the work is tackled. That's when we're on fire!

When we get more working on the same page, then we're getting massive work done. 

We need the benefit of the team to click on blog posts, get traffic moving within the group to stir up community attention, help rate one another's lenses, proof ad copy, help with articles. 

We can advertise each other in the social networks and more.

Problem-solving gets better the more we do it. 

We get active with research...keywords...helping one another with domains and finding the phrases that pay.

When a buddy is down -- we pull them back up.

Let's say you don't know how to do something for your website, that's no problem. 

IM content is shared to build individual campaigns.

It accelerates your learning and makes it possible for you to look at the skills others can offer in exchange.

* So you have 4 people who write ad copy

* And you find out that 5 people just happen to be "Techno Wizards"

* And you discover that 9 more absolutely adore writing or they don't mind writing it because they know where it will lead

* Then you have some people who are adept at audio/video

* And you have some folks who can do anything

* And you have a few who are certified in the article marketing and pay-per-click advertising

* And you have a few who know about optimizing landing pages and websites for best indexing results...or they can research a niche thoroughly within an hour.

* I am persistently identifying who can do what through private e-mail right now...and have been doing it the past 8 months.

Are you starting to see how things could work?

At the individual level, you might as well spend 8 years going it alone.  Some people do this!

Kyle & Carson know.  They know that if you get people interacting, their chances of succeeding are far greater VS. muscling it out yourself.

Pull In Resources At Group Level

Here's the neat part.  

Ask yourself what would happen if you could join a group like this?  What would it be like? 

Would it be fun?  Stay tuned in this area because that's what I'm here for.  I don't know about you so you'll have to let me in on your secret.

I'm not waiting for Vegas to appear when it can happen today.

Pull In Humor & Make It Safe For Everyone To Learn

I'm an expert at helping people feel at ease because it's what I've done all my life, but pull in a few team leaders who want to rotate that job...and learn through humor.  That part is very important. 

Everyone can play chief in rotation.  I created masters in the martial arts this way.  I'd put my black belt on a beginner and let him lead the group. Guess how well he did? Extremely well.  I did it with kids.  I did it with women. I let the instructors play student.  They loved rotation and roleplay. 

Form Healthy Group Agreements

I'll put you at ease right now in case you have a rock in your gut.  We'll drop the corporate culture no one can handle.  Pull in fair play and high ethics.  Troublemakers -- well -- they don't do well in this setting.  I screen everyone but we use what works.  We toss out "what's not working well".

We could all agree "to play well together and get the work done".

We could agree "no baloney".  No egos.  No "in-house fighting".  I'm kidding you a bit...but won't have to allow it if I don't.

We could agree on these days...take weekends and holidays off....and there would be flexibility in the schedule.

We could agree that we'll identify what we know.

Then we could agree to pool free resources, add low-cost ideas, incorporate IM products/services, use group research, share what we've already purchased to tell the group "yes -- get this for that much because it's worth it"...or "avoid this dog product because it doesn't do squat for you".  I've saved people multiple thousands by asking them to "just put their cards on ice".

How Do I Know These Ideas Work?

There are teams out there online and they're kicking your rumps.  They recruit together, they build presentations together, they write ad copy, some move traffic, others build a group website and then sell name it.  Whatever the group creates, individuals will get help FTP'ing website files to get the site up and running.


Are you interested?   If so -- that's great ! We can start with the simple stuff right away.  We'll work on profiles, connect.., get some traffic going to your blogs..., increase your visibility, and get your campaign going fast. 

Let's get into the forums through group topics and private e-mails.

You can add a list of people today by getting them from my blog network or any other top 10 player listed inside of WA.

Just look for the "most active members".


Please don't go into pay-per-click until you have someone who's been making money online for at least 5 years.  This is the person you want to learn from.  Kyle & Carson know what they're doing.  They're just trying to find ways to serve you better and they need feedback on their WA Tools.  Please let them know what you're thinking.

Keep connecting to people daily. 

Put the numbers in your favor.

Click on peoples' images over at home base. 

E-mail them. 

Don't worry if they e-mail you back. 

Just get to the ones who are very active.  These people will show you their entire sites already working online.  That's very valuable information.

You can form your own team or you can join this network. 

It doesn't matter. 

Some of us are actively e-mailing one another back and forth in the forums but I'm first using private e-mails to "just get everyone moving".

We're pulling in the WA blogging & funnel system because it's already optimized.

Toasting Your Online Success,

Barbara (bkb2012)













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Fallulah Premium
Wow :) A LOT of information there but what I zoned in on was team players, playing chief and indian, problem solving (my personal favourite) fair play and high ethics, safe for everyone --- all sounds great to me Barbara!
prinker Premium
Hello Barbara,

I'm a newbie at WA still working my way through the lessons, but I like to stop and read all of the new posts and blogs on a daily basis. I'm trying to get my buddy network off and I'd like to participate in being a team player. I could use all of the help offered and then some. Thanks!