Inner Most Secrets of Millionaire Thought, IM Style

Last Update: January 18, 2011

Welcome Wealthy Affiliate Buddies!

Welcome Seasoned Players!

I'd like to say thank you to our guys inside of WA working to include recorded and LIVE telecalls. 

As an Internet marketer, one of the most fundamental skills you can ever learn is the mastered ability to communicate to smaller and larger numbers of people drawn to your work.

Here's why.

We know that the online marketplace is growing steadily by each passing year.

It is also true that we have massive businesses which are not yet integrated online.

What that means to you a new or seasoned Internet marketer is that

  • Your sky is entirely decided by your own mental limit

In a nutshell -- whenever you embark on a new journey, you will naturally feel some reluctance.  That is OK.  Where it's not OK is at that point where you allow your fears to rule your behavior. 

Know This

In mastered business, entrepreneurs eventually accept the fact that their evolution is ongoing.  That means that they make peace with the present moment so that they can remain calm, identify what's needed to move forward NOW..., and create profits they know their expertise most warrants.

Use Powerful Affirmations To Keep You Moving Forward

Whenever your mind gets in the way (and it starts to tell you that the online world is NOT profitable), STOP that thought.  This exercise is a master key that will move you forward.  I've talked about retraining your mind to think in more empowered ways in other posts... but..., long as you continue your online learning, make a weekly effort, and keep your work moving forward, YOU WILL IN DUE TIME CREATE AND CLARIFY WHAT'S ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO CREATE YOUR SUCCESS.

So always keep positive thoughts working in your mind...and let the negative ones go immediately.  If exercise is your main-stay, then emphasize that.  If playing with your pets works for you, then keep that fun going.  


Accept it as NOW. 

Feel your success..., and continue to magnetize to you what you intend most.  If it's being a milionaire, I will tell you from direct experience that anyone can do this.  It takes work.  It doesn't happen overnight.  You have to live, breathe, think, and BE a true pro.  I am speaking from personal experience, without over-blowing any facts.

  • If your earliest results fall by the wayside, that's OK
  • Every small gain you make translates into later success

Just keep working.

Why Can I Share This Information?

I keep this reality very quiet.  I was a millionaire by the age of 30.  That's why I'm here now...visiting with strictest confidence.  That's why you're reading these words...because it takes a master to raise the awareness level in other masters.  

I share all of this information with great care, love, and respect for you.


As long as you continue working...growing...learning...and applying, you will figure out how Internet marketing must work.

  • You can outsource some work
  • You don't have to do everything yourself
  • You can hire experts to help you along the way, even for a small monthly cost
  • You can leverage the expertise of a major Internet marketing circuit -- they are everywhere online.
  • You don't have to know it all know in order to create profits online -- you don't
  • You do have to be smart enough to recognize when your ego is playing it's conflicted games...long enough to realize when you need help
  • Continue your focus on attracting the required expertise/assistance/tools/techniques/software...and content propelling you into your success.

You will find solutions in some of the most unsuspecting places.   This information will help you zero in on the solutions you need most.   I cite forums where people share information.  If you think about places where people problem-solve (for free), it will cue you into products/services others need, want and will pay for.


Here's another secret.  Multi-millionaires are very unsuspecting people.   The best ones are.  They draw others to them because they are naturally magnetic, but they work at being personable.  These people are continually striving for more (in their minds/hearts/networks/successes).

Multi-millionaires pick the brains of everyday, seemingly-silly people (those who may not be well versed)...and they pick the brains of educated folks.  Millionaires know that there is wisdom in every human being, regardless of what they do in life.  You could say that they are NOT fooled by the outer-covering of a that they know all people have something to teach, whether it's +++ or ----.

Remember...Everything Someone Teaches You

This is the hallmark principle of a millionaire mind, not considering the billionaire mind.  Billionaires think differently than millionaires. They are millionaires magnified many, many times.

  • Connect to the WA network.
  • Hire other mentors, if need be. 
  • Earn $50 of extra cash each month in your other job to hire the pro's!  You can get awesome help at this price level.  YOU CAN.

I'll stop there.  Please know -- you are already a millionaire.  You just haven't been told...or in the very least, you haven't had a chance to realize it because you've been managed in other job environments by people often possessing lower self-worth.  I say this also with care.  There is plenty of poor management out there, but there is rarer quality management available.  When you access the best people (as you are at WA), you will tap into the absolute best information possible online.


I have been working 24/7 the past 6 months to locate a hard-core business plan that's very stable.'s meant for you!

Results will be released once I confirm details with the top dogs.

In the meantime, I am here...answering Q's with buddies, but I will always look for ways to serve you better.  What people don't fully realize is just how flexible Internet marketing really is.

As many are learning, there's a tendency to believe that their work is headed no where...when in reality, EVERYTHING applied will translate into profitable work.

When you kindly offer your responses, everything you say is hugely appreciated because it helps me form the content others will absolutely want to read.

Please continue to stay in touch, and let me know how you're doing!

Your replies inspire me...and others inside of WA... even though you may not see us working on your behalf.

Assuming other IM'ers will continue to hit the wall, they will eventually want to know how I scale my campaigns upward. This last part is extremely important to create massive online success.  You have to go beyond what 99.9% of most IM'ers do. They stop at common levels.

Stopping there.  Don't give up.  You are on a very profound path, and there's no better place to learn than inside of WA!

Keep working your WA WordPress Express.  You have the ability to compete in major niches by building your own authority (big) sites.

Absolutely Toasting Your Success Online!

bkb2012....Barbara the non-guru guru

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Hazie Premium
Barbara, thanks so much for this post. It is such a helpful reflection and affirmation. You're terrific.