Internet Transition, 2011 Update

Last Update: May 31, 2011


Welcome back.

Just finished a private message with Kyle here at WA.  

To make a long message short, the Internet is in transition.

There is much more planned at kindly offer WA your patience.

The truth behind your success is that it will take time, repeat effort, persistence, and belief in yourself.

Building a business you can be proud of does not happen overnight, regardless of the industry we're talking about.  

So keep your readings going here at WA.  Kyle and Carson will continue to bring you massive updates online.  This means that what works now is most important.

If you want examples, I cite the major powerhouses online who know what's needed to make a 7- figure go of things:

1) The ability to talk to massive numbers of people at once...and to do it very well...

2) The ability to build your list...

3) The ability to talk to that list so that people will respond to you...and eventually click on the things and content you want them to readily see so that they will make informed purchasing decisions (most hopefully through you)...

4) The ability to market your own services and wares to that list carrying your name.

Please think in terms of putting new products and services under your name.  That can be an ultimate goal for advanced business owners...but it needn't negate newbies.  All newbies are capable of owning their own products...if this is what they later want.

As a final note:  our current Internet marketers are pushed to learn some hard-core marketing skills, but that reality will only make us better.

WA will continue to bring you the things you need to succeed online so please stay tuned.  Don't rule out anything Kyle and Carson deliver.  I will admit that they are leveraging their success to get the top information to you.

Please feel free to post your comments/suggestions for content.  I can bring you successful insights into what's happening...but the bottom line for online success is that you can live life on your own terms and you can do it well.  It means that you will have more responsibility toward others...but that success can be hugely rewarding !

Toasting Your Success Online,


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Jamie Smith Premium
the future looks VERY bright
bkb2012 Premium
Jamie! I'm glad. Internet marketing is VERY real. The key is to set up a campaign correctly. It does not have to be technical. It has to carry the right elements. I'm writing a new post talking about what this entails. So...yes...some of the most successful people are working quietly from home. They are stay-at-home kids...and the New Vanguard. The entourage of folks at WA will represent the New Vanguard! The key to your success will be to wrap your hands around the proven content, and that's what I'm here to deliver. Kyle & Carson...and the super-affiliates know too!
danr62 Premium
I wonder if what you are talking about has to do with things like writing better content, better copywriting, being more engaging with your readers, building a "tribe", stuff like that. I've been reading a lot of money making blogs and that seems to be what everyone is talking about these days.
bkb2012 Premium a way you are correct. Think like a rock star. You are the rocker on stage and the women are going crazy over your music because the lyrics give them what they want (lots of emotion). Then..., your Internet website is an extension of that performance. You've got a forum of your own, and they're incoming ...wanting to talk to only you. But...they can't talk to you personally until they apply to your forum, get accepted (as a formality), and begin conversations. As you connect your forum and website to FB and Twitter, the fans build your presence. This is how it works. have to build your tribe, interact, be patient, set up your campaign correctly so that it accesses the immediate buyers. That's when you'll be in business! Hang in there. Don't give up. I'm working 24/7 to get the power-packed content incoming...but there's massive preparation involved on my end, implementation, approaching powerhouses, negotiating, closing deals, and bringing back the results. Thanks for being here. Stay in touch! bkb2012...Barbara.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Barbara, good to hear from you. Kyle and Carson are good people. I know they are cooking up some gems in the back room. This business is all communication. It's a good thing if one enjoys writing. I am looking at things with a critical eye, but a constructive one. The "patience" that you mention is not easy, but you're right. Takes massive love and patience. Thanks for all the positive vibes.
bkb2012 Premium
How are you doing? I thoroughly enjoy touching base with you often. With regards to being one's own CEO that people can trust has much to do with presenting an authentic image. People online need to know that whatever program or service they're accessing will be genuine. We can't have enough ethics in Internet marketing emphasized...mainly because Google has already made it challenging to new business people coming into this fold, and because it makes plain old fashioned good sense. Never take shortcuts with anyone is a rule that has served me well in life. Best to you! bkb2012