Is Internet Marketing Real or Imagined?

Last Update: August 30, 2010

Hi Fellow WA Buddies!

Offering 2 updates before I step into Internet marketing, real or imagined?

1) Hello new WA Buddies!  Welcome back fellow WA Buddies.

Here's what I do to help WA content sink into my brain.  I repeat, repeat, repeat.  If during one day nothing is working, then I pull back and switch to another marketing activity (researching keywords, drilling down deeper into broad keywords to find long-tailed keywords (specific golden phrases), helping people in forums, studying ad copy, writing articles, and joining other Internet marketers on calls).

Always rotate your work when you get stuck.

2) Now let's get into the content I promised.

Is Internet Marketing Real or Imagined?

It's important you absorb what I'm about to share.

Nothing is real until you break through the limiting thoughts we accept about offline reality.

Here's why.

Offline, business works differently.  Yes, there are commonalities and there are differences.

Online, what we think takes forever offline is not necessarily the case online.  Once you've tested content through article marketing, you zero in on what people want before you go to pay-per-click. 

In ppc, once ad groups are rotated and isolated to find the hottest ads, you can go from 0 to 90, but you must first have your basic IM elements (I address often) all set up, done ahead of time so that you can meet demand.  Marketers implode when they don't have systems set up.

Once you know how to rotate the IM tasks I mention in the first part of this post, later campaigns become easier to set up and manage.  So you are striving for automation.

It's that first campaign that can drive you nuts..., but it doesn't have to drive you to drink !  That's a joke.

You are working on your own time line but you do want to find others here who can help.  You can also find a few people outside of WA, but be careful about screening these folks ahead-of-time.  Many will claim to be pros that they aren't.

General Campaign Marketing Order

Here's what must happen from a general marketing standpoint when you're setting up your first campaign:

1)  focus on setting up your 1st blog - never mind if it's cruddy

2)  write content even if you're all over the roadmap

3)  by DOING..., in time... your mind will reveal how people think in different niches.  To accelerate your way into the stuff people need to solve their woes, your content will always address HOW TO do something.

So if someone wants to own a bird, that person will have questions related to "How do I get what my bird needs?"  "How do I care for my bird?", "If my bird gets sick, now what"? 

As you're looking into any niche, you want to list the entire spectrum of problems this group faces.  I will tell you that I study magazines every month to see how different niches think.  That's the kind of content you want to go into for your articles, posts and websites.  

Get into the habit of saving headlines, websites, printed content (offline) to create what's called "MY SWIPE FILE".  

Pro's use swipe files and they are very extensive.  What you see offline can be applied to the online world.

4) other campaigns online until it's coming out your ears -- I looked at 200 - 300 websites in my earliest years just to see basic campaign elements repeating (data capture, headlines, subheadlines, article content, linking, free offers, e-books, DVD's, and pay buttons!  

Stay tuned for How To Create a Pay Button ! I'm giving away major secrets the gurus don't want you to know.

5) ..know that the basic order of any campaign is to -- a) find compelling messages related to high quality content...b) find ways to grab your audience's attention specifically relating to their list of problems...and c) find ways to get their contact information (thereby building your list through your A-Weber account)

6) and finally, see how one landing page shows you data capture (names and e-mails) in any campaign + look at how it talks about some problem and it mentions a strong call to action (CTA)..., "Find out the 7 Most Common Reasons Gurus Won't Tell You What They Know"...Free Report Tells All"..."submit your contact information in confidence".  Click here for Free report.

7) then work on getting your own Free report inside of the niche you're marketing...but find a way to get that report written under your name (that's where I offer to write your own reports for free).

How It Was For Me (And Sometimes Still Is)

I will tell you that it took me 2 whole months just to figure out how my profile worked!

Then it took me 4 months longer just to figure out that if I bookmarked everything, I wouldn't have to search for valuable WA resources.  I was totally clueless about how forum threads worked so I just created my own topics..."Give out that gold", for one.  Guess what you get when you do this?  You get more traffic!  

I'll admit that I was a very slow starter. It doesn't have to be tough for you.  I can help you reduce your learning curve, but you have to be wiling to keep at it.

Now I'm breaking eggs over my skull setting up this WA Blog & Funnel system.  Just when I think I'm ready to run, the WA server is being undergoing maintenance because they have to add more help.  There are times where I can't FTP anything ...or I've wrecked some configuration inside of my web hosted account (like messing with FTP passwords thinking that it's my problem).


Internet marketing would look like it's not real when you're in the earliest stages of building your "fan club" or "community".  As you keep your name out there in cyberspace, Google will pick up on your name and you'll appear in the index.

Here's how you kill that fear that "no one is making money online in this realm".   Enter the name Wealthy Affiliate outside of WA.  Do this month after month.  Go over to us free ads.  Go over to Squidoo.  Go over to over to Ezines. Check out WA ads.  The ads that remain online consistently tell you that $$ is being made!    Now add one of my private coaches --  Terry Duff.  Don't join his program.   Just enter his name.  He's making major $$ online and has been marketing his same programs since 2005 and earlier.  

The potential is there and it's waiting for you!  Stay focused on building a happy business, focus on having fun with others, focus on helping people solve a problem once and for all.  Keep your eye on the ball and it will happen.

BONUS:  To get indexed within 24 hours, go over to  Fill out a profile there.  Add something interesting to your name (like a keyword phrase addressing your niche audience).  Hit publish.  In a day or so, head over to Google and enter your name into the search.  You should see your name appear in the top listing ! 

So yes -- when you're new, it would seem as if Internet marketing is not real.  I will say...the drop-out rate in Internet marketing is high because people don't get support they need during earliest phases of learning...or...we're trying to get to you but we can't do it fast enough.   That means you have to reach out to us...give us some time.  We can sometimes miss a comment you post at the end of a blog...or we can miss you in the forums.  

To get immediate responses, send direct emails to anyone here at WA, and know that at WA, it's a big place so you want to be persistent.  In business, it's that way. The most persistent ones are the ones who do very well.

Internet marketing is real when you get that first campaign working. Until then, it's going to be imagined until your mind "breaks through some old barriers".

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non Guru, Guru



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jatdebeaune Premium
Wonderful post Barbara. Thank you. So true what you said about the drop out rate and why. Also true about being persistent. I'm also sending you gold for all of your great posts and for the generous advice you gave me personally.
Sherion Premium
Thank you. I print out all of your blogs. I know that eventually I will understand all of this. I am still a newbie and progress is slow because of my work and also being totally new to IM. Not only new to IM but virtually new to the whole internet world. I just want you to know I appreciate your blogs. I sent you gold. Best Wishes to you. Thanks again for your help.