It's Not What You Move, It's YOU They'll Want

Last Update: June 07, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow Buddies!

First -- This post addresses a challenge for you.  There's an easy tendency to think "fast money".  Yes -- it can be had. No -- solid business buildling takes time.

No matter what your business philosophy, the reality is that Internet marketing requires huge time, daily energy, and lots of care.  But.., did you know that success really boils down to one thing?  It's not what you buy or necessarily market...,

It's YOU They'll Want

It is safe to say -- here's a rule of thumb when operating any business.

* Be reliable

* Know what you're talking about (whatever you're marketing)

* Pick quality people to serve and also associate with

* Roll out the red carpet

* Meet true needs

* Never sell something not needed

* Keep the greater good in mind

* Be consistent and credible

* Always improve yourself

* Be today than you were yesterday

* uphold public trust and play fair.

History Revealed

Here's something you'll find interesting.  While I am helping you, you are helping me. I have been writing content for my super site to address "The Hero's Journey".  It's something you put at the beginning of a campaign so that people can relate to you. It can be written in a variety of ways, but it basically helps you position yourself with others.  That way, they can relate to your or find out more about you.  Here's what I've done in the past as part of my marketing story.  By sharing this information, hopefully I can offer you examples.

I operated my own martial arts school, taught all classes and did more:

* ran the brick-and-mortar for 10 years

* spent 23 years in the industry and helped to build a global organization

* created certified instructors

* created school owners at qualified business levels

* carried brick-and-mortar business over to online business.

Transitioning Online

At IM levels, to move skillset development and work along a timeline that would be profitable, I set goals for year 5, 10, 15, and 20 in IM:

* hand-raise and certify marketers who want to teach Internet marketing

* show others how to set up, market and automate their own super sites

* attract/develop certified marketers profiting at various business levels

* maybe write a best-seller (for later positioning)

* teach IM at seminar levels.

To support these outcomes, I use the WA calendar. Then.., I pull in daily masterminding.


In earlier posts, I introduced masterminding, but it's typically reserved for advanced business owners (because they've stood the test of time). Here's what it does. It may include a buddy system.  It serves other purposes so I am being a bit repetitious:

1) it positions you in the marketplace

2) it identifies other marketers you'd like to work with, learn from, teach, or do a combination of these things...

3) it shows you how others work online (and offline too)

4) it helps you launch your business on a budget by exchanging services/skills/sharing workload

5) it shows you how other IM'ers develop and evolve

6) it keeps you sane.


YOU Sitting Here

So assume you're here visiting with me in my living room, and you're asking a question after question I'm answering to the best of present ability..., and you can see me listening intently.

We're essentially masterminding, and it really doesn' t matter how long you've been online.  I'm asking you who you have been, wanting to know more about what you've done, then we're aligning your natural self to serve different markets. 

We're talking about various marketing plans, option A, option B, option C, option D..., maybe there's some beginner or intermediate marketing involved, or maybe we're talking about advanced marketing..., and maybe we're delving into outsourcing and/or your own product creation. Internet marketing is about developing numerous online options.

We're talking about more than "just making it".  We're talking about realizing yourself in ways you'd never even thought about.  And..., we're doing this in a sincere effort to outline and realize your new lifestyle in 5 year's time.  Then, we outline marketing strategies, targets, other campaigns, and action plans. Maybe we pull in a best-seller.

The bottom line is  -- you could purchase software, e-books, magnetic marketing systems, etc...., but in the final end,  it's the work you apply to advertise yourself so that people can find you. Then.., it's how you move them from point A - point B that will determine your success.

Keep the WA learning going..., and know that you're building some amazing skills for the future.  When you realize what I'm sharing here, you'll see that IM is pretty cool! 

More content is coming along specific Internet marketing lines so please stay tuned.  When I show you how to create your own e-book, not one step of instruction is left out.

If you want to post any comments or suggestions regarding something you haven't solved, please let me know.  I am in the midst of preparing whitepapers (free reports), pdf's, and more.

If you would like to check out my home-based business blog, it is: I am building a separate blog to exclusively address Internet marketers.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means,










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