Laser Beam Targeted Traffic Using Simple Video, 7 Steps

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

I'll share a secret with you. Today was challenging.  In case you haven't noticed, Internet marketers hit a lot of brick walls.  The key to your success is to break through those barriers. The content I'm posting here was put into the WA system tutorial, but the editor crashed as I was entering step 6.  I believe it was the Firefox browser that crashed...or maybe I was too slow.  When I went back to find my unpublished resource, I got zero search results.

So..., I'm smashing through that brick wall by putting that content here. In future posts, the goal will be to offer you A - Z steps, 30-mins. a day (sessions) to help you set up your first Internet marketing campaign.

For now, this article talks about using videos to get free traffic.


How to get "laser beam" targeted traffic using 1 FREE & SIMPLE video marketing technique”.


If you love to get "laser beam" targeted traffic and you want lots of it without spending a dime, this resource is for you. One of the best ways to get traffic on a shoe string budget (or just to save $$) is by harnessing the power of video marketing.

In this how to video article, I offer you a specific example!

It goes like this…

Step 1:

1. Grab the video desktop recording software at -- this is a  watered down version of Camtasia and it's FREE!

2. is COMPLETELY sufficient for this simple system.

Step 2:

• Create a 2-5 minute video using either Powerpoint
• OR create a slide presentation using Google Docs
• You can setup a free account at

Step 3:

1. Keep it SUPER simple.  Don't have it professionally done – keep it amateur and remember, you’re looking for traffic...
2. This system is nothing fancy
3. It’s necessary here to make this work
4. Use Google’s keyword research tool (it’s free) – all you need now is an Adwords account (free) that you can setup in 5 minutes at

Step 4: KEY STEP

1. You’re looking for keyword phrases that have at least 1,000 searches per month and have less than 40,000 competing sites.

2. To discover how many competing sites you’re going up against, take a keyword phrase that you’re researching to google.comtype it in the search box, using parenthesis (“________“).

3. This will tell you how many other sites are using that phrase.

4. The smaller the number, the easier it is to get ranked well with the search engines.  We're after Google, page 1 (of organic results).

Step 5:

1. Once you’ve isolated a keyword phrase and you’ve recorded a short video using the desktop video recording software

2. Distribute the video to a few video sharing websites

3. To keep things simple -- submit the video to, and

4. There are lots of others you can submit to, but it’s not necessary

5. You’re looking for organic search traffic with the search engines by just focusing on these 3 (video sharing websites) will allow that to happen.

Step 6:

When you submit the videos at each location make sure that keyword phrase you’ve discovered meets the parameters listed above.  Now mention it in the title of the video (once) and in the description twice.

Step 7:

1.  Make sure you tell visitors watching your video to go to … (your site or your affiliate site)...

2.  Promise to give them something that creates urgency

3.  Ask them to head over to your site and submit their information.

4.  Give them a report, give them a content filled video, give them some sort of “cheat sheet” that relates to your niche…but most importantly, give them sweet content that helps them!  If you do this part right, people will give you their information.

Example…Let’s assume a big benefit for one of your products is “weight loss” and you’re going to optimize it for the keyword phrase “safe effective weight loss”.

•    Your video title might be “Safe Effective Weight Loss – 3 Easy Steps”.
•    The description of the video might read, “Safe effective weight loss technique".
•    Short video discloses 3 safe and effective weight loss techniques”.
•    Keep your video short – 2 to 3 minutes, tops. The goal is to deliver a clear message, ask inquiries to take an action (“go here and submit your information for more”…or get my FREE report…or join my FREE weight loss newsletter or take a look at my site (website or affiliate site)...

•    You get the idea – this is just an example.

Main Objective

The objective is  --  when someone goes to do a search at any of the big search engines (Yahoo, Bing, Google, Live – or search their video results, depending on the search engine) and they type in the keyword you’ve optimized your video for, your video will show up in the results for that specific search!

1.    Wait a day or two -- THEN type in the keyword phrase you used over at to find your video!   That’s it!  Crazy simple…yet super effective.

2.    The cool thing here is that you can “ramp up” with relative ease.
3.    Don’t just do this for one or two keyword phrases…
4.    You can knock out and submit each video in less than 20 minutes.
5.    Block out a few hours and have some fun.
6.    Not only will this system get you targeted traffic, but you’re getting quality leads without spending a dime.

And it’s crazy fun too!

Please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions. Let’s get you what you need NOW, not tomorrow!

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,


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jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, This is wonderful information. I want to try it. Do you narrate with that software? I imagine that's the whole point. I've never made a video before. Thank you.