Live Blog & Funnel Update, Testing All Campaign Links

Last Update: October 05, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

Today's post does one painful lesson new Internet marketers learn -- forgetting to check all links before sending traffic to those links.

* Check all links inside of free reports

* Check links on landing pages

* Check links on product pages to make sure people can contact you by case they can't get a download.

WA Blog

If you've hit snags, post your comments and I'll form a general group consensus.  I can contact Kyle & Carson to expedite link changes...wherever they're most needed. That way, we won't barrage these guys with repeat emails.


EXAMPLE:  BLOG...I pulled in WA logos on my blog to create an official page...that way when the copycats appear, the official title will help you.

  • Not all WA images lead to a site (and it may be intended as such)
  • Click links at the top of your blog and at the bottom
  • Check links embedded in your ad copy (posts)
  • Try to view your blog from the viewpoint that you're new and you're seeing this blog for the 1st time...reading it from that vantage 
  • Does it make sense in terms of how it might flow from the blog to the funnel and visa versa
  • Is the ad copy too long or just right?  You want ad copy to test readers seriousness so they have to walk through multiple doors to get to you!


  • In the funnel, STF is evolving further so know which links are not working
  • Check download links
  • Know which links are being revamped so you know as traffic is incoming, you can tell people certain links are being overhauled
  • Make sure your affiliate hosting appears somewhere in your funnel -- as of today, I clicked a link at the bottom of lesson 1 and while I naturally thought it would pull up hosting, the anchor site Wealthy Affiliate appeared.  WA will appear at the bottom of every funnel page.

Toasting Your Success Online!




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WRI Premium
Fantastic tips and checklist. Thanks for posting this. I bookmarked it for future reference.

Some gold for your effort .
