LIVE Update, FTP Sessions For WA Blog & Funnel System, Part 4

Last Update: July 22, 2010

Hey There New WA Buddies,

..and the guys/gals working the NEW WA Blog & Funnel System!

In coming days, I will post content addressing the blog & funnel system but I will also help with WA systems navigation to help our new folks.  Bear with me.  We have some folks who are stuck in the FTP Phase of this system so this post tackles that subject.  If you are new to WA, don't let this content rattle you.  The key is to FIRST GET EXPOSED TO INDUSTRY WORDS, FIND A WAY TO STAY ON TRACK (get buddies daily and ask for help), KEEP WORKING, AND YOU'RE IN !!  New folks -- you can hugely reduce your learning curve by reading point 4.  Where was this system when I was knew and had $30K in my pocket???  The goal is to spare you huge time, trouble, and major pain.

When FTP Sessions Stop

The WA server is not recognizing your domain, so you have to tell the WA server what that domain name is:

1) Go to the LIVE WA Blog & Funnel System "Getting Traffic" Update located upper left-hand side of the WA home section.  

2)  Go to WA hosting.   Pull up the Plesk help desk + configure the WA hosting account internally.   Even if it reads like GREEK, take one step at-a-time and things will begin to appear.  You should see a box asking you for your username and pw...and eventually your domain name.  If you can't remember, you can have your pw e-mailed to you. Then log in.  

3) Add files (you checkmark the list) inside of the WA hosting account.  Then start working through Plesk further with  the file "start here".  It explains what you need..., specific stats, files and more.   It will show you how to tell the WA server what your domain name is.  When you do that, the FTP session is good to go.  Also, make certain that your domain name is consistent as you pull it over to WA from your web host.  Many people have trouble when they miss a letter in a domain or switch letters around.

4)  We have a team forming on the new system.

I'm prodding people to work together because in Internet marketing, you'll fare greatly by helping each other. 

Here's what's happening daily:

  • If you get stuck on anything, please don't sit in the dark. 
  • Head to your "Overview" tab located on the left-hand side of your control panel where you usually view private messages. 
  • In overviews, Kyle & Carson will offer WA Blog & Funnel System Updates. 
  • By working together, we can check one another's blog & funnel links, ease configuration of accounts and A-Weber...and vary our campaigns so they will be unique.
  • We can ensure that we're not posting duplicate content on our WA blogs. 
  • We can help others with formatting a WA blog...or doing the smallest of things that would otherwise have the quit.
  • Pull in powerful plug-in's on your WordPress Express (SEO all in one pack,  social plug in, and 1, 2, 3 LinkIt Plug-In which automates the affiliate marketing process by harnessing your clickbank id!!!  It pulls your affiliate products together.
  • Why this system is helpful when you're new or slightly seasoned -- it takes the drudgery out of starting a campaign "on the fly" without really knowing what you're doing.
  • This is a template that is SEO optimized for future campaigns !! This is a very valuable, powerful opportunity you don't want to pass up even if you don't yet know what a domain name is (it's a name that tells people where you are online).

Stopping there to help you ease into this process.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means,



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