Live Update on WA Funnel System

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

From time-to-time, I offer LIVE updates telling you what types of issues you'll encounter as you set up your WA Funnel & Blog System.

Today's encounter was a real doozey. Two hours later, I solved the problem but here's what happened.

As soon as my main URL site went live, I found someone illegally using my web host account.  It's called piggybacking but the external site link can hog your (paid) bandwidth if the problem grows before you detect it.

You find out when you're looking at stats on your site inside of your web host account, be certain to check stats on all websites you own even if you only own 2.

You will see something like a bad link leading to cheap viagra.  Yup.  That's what I got.

SOLUTION: Sometimes you can ban a site but be careful to research what's involved.  For every criminal measure, you have countermeasure so others can't take work/resources from you.

1) I contacted customer support through live chat.

2) I went to a website they recommended. 

Here was the powerful site I used:

2a) You should see a site called

2b) Also, arm yourself with webmaster world.

You will see the site listed on the site, but it will show you everything that happens online.

3) I banned 3 types of bots.

Here's the code I cut/paste from the site listed in step 2.

4) I went to my public html file (found by using the e-panel inside of the web host account under "file manager" ..., 

I clicked on file manager to get to a public html file

Once I opened that file, I found another file called  .htaccess file.

When I opened that file, I put this code into the file.

#get rid of bad bots
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^BadBot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^EvilScraper [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^FakeUser
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://go.away/

Feel free to cut/paste this code if you wish.  Hit save on the file before you close it or content will be lost.

Now the illegal user is gone.

Please let me know what types of trouble you're having, and we'll get matters sorted quickly.  The idea is to tap into this powerful system to "wrap your hands around a plan that's powerful".

BONUS: For being here, I will tell you about

* This resource is something you use when you own 20 websites and have a need to integrate content so you don't go crazy. 

* Because websites are becoming more complex, today's websites go way beyond html coding.

* Bottom line -- you don't have to master coding when you can use W.I.Z.Z.I.W.I.G. (what you see is what you get editing --  user friendly editors) and drag and drop functionality.  BE SURE TO CHECK OUT SITE RUBIX.  No coding necessary.

*** is an open source content management system (CMS) that the site uses!!***

To be a top gun, you need top gun resources.

What Drupal does -- -- it lets you modify and customize anything you want at SEO levels (search engine optimzation) and SERP (search engine results page).

Word Press is great  but it may not give you complete control over URL structure.  If you're starting out, use the WA Word Press system.  You can't lose with this blog because it is self-hosted...meaning that it's far more flexible than the free Word version. is a bonus resource you can later work towards.


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