Magic Bean Recipe for Article Writing

Last Update: October 05, 2010

Guys and Gals (WA Buddies)!

Hey there.  I'd like to share insights that helped me get my start with active publishing.

The deal is that when you're new, it's a chicken or the egg scenario.

So you've heard to death the need to zero in on keywords before you can write your first article...,

but... you can't even do that until you figure out what the content will directly be.  It's enough to make you turn permanently evil !

Don't worry.  There is an intuitive solution even if it requires some time.

Solving the Chicken Or Egg Scenario:

1)  We know that the key to your success will be to find a golden long-tailed keyword phrase (a highly specific phrase) that has less competition so you can just get ranked and stay there. That's the bottom line.

2) If you are at all like I was 4 years ago -- a total noob -- our brains want to know everything..., but it's not possible to build (let alone master) Rome overnight.  Heck, we ain't even built "that thar bed" to put in "that way out yonder cabin" (called your complete marketing empire).


a) website

b) blog that marries to the website

c) some posts

d) some articles

e) picking a direction that will yield some crazy "out of the way niche idea" you wouldn't usually imagine

f) as long as the niche idea will leave you fishing in a quiet fishing pond where there are people who willingly pay for your products/services.

3)  Here's what I did --

I threw caution to the wind and said, to myself...."SELF"!  It's time.  To heck with it. keyword density at 2 or 3%...and to heck with the long-tailed keyword phrase for right now.  I'm going to just write and see what happens.

While this can seem like a strange and hazardous time-consuming approach, you have to start somewhere. 

Start with topics you can easily research from other websites. 

Get ideas from others.  You have to emulate someone who makes sense, or what else can you do?  You don't have to copy them word for word.

Then pull up notepad.

Take the general categories you saw on one website that really impressed you and made a lot of sense.  It should be in a category of marketing that will keep you very excited.

Then.., start writing like a demon on some of those topics as long as they are somehow related.  This is where you'll write relevant content Google demands at 200 different relevant points.  I think Google is a bit uptight.

Because I'm hugely jazzed about minimizing pain for both Internet marketers and MLM'ers, I wrote along those lines.

RESULT:  I got ranked's natural organic traffic even if my first blog is a train-wreck.   I still have to organize it and clean it up.

Testing Phases Begin

Now..once you have a grouping of articles posted to a blog,  you've got to find a place to test that content.


There's a reason why I'm here at WA.  It is for learning.  It is for positioning (superaffiliate), it's for business building, it's for working with the best...but... THIS PLACE HAS INSTANT TRAFFIC!

Then...look at how how people respond to your content.  You really cannot care whether people think it stinks or it's lovely. You just want a thumbs up or thumbs down on your do what?

You guessed it.

Drive you to the solutions they demand and bingo...the sales will follow.  It will be "like nearly selling" ice cubes to Eskimos (although I don't recommend you do this).

Keep In Mind When You First Start Publishing

You'll feel like a nervous cat.  That will subside over time.

  • Take all of the thumbs up content and reserve it for your blog.
  • Take the super, duper content that turns out to be golden and reserve it for your website!
  • As you write, you will get these weird insights..even if you get no responses for a while.
  • Keep your writing going. 
  • Keep it going as long as it takes. People will start to notice..., and will feel as if you're talking to the crickets.

Buddy Interaction

See if you can find 1 or 2 buddies who will interact with you.  This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for your well-being...for reasons related to the way your mind works.

Your mind flows with ideas anytime you have an audience, even including an audience of 1.

How I Got My Publishing Start

It's actually odd to share this story.  There was this hard-core network marketer who tried to sponsor me into his MLM several times. He was this top F-16 fighter pilot jockey who insisted I was his business builder.

Call me cruel but don't let anyone stand in the way of your success !  

I just kept sending him e-mails tossing MLM and Internet marketing around.  I bugged him to death.  I sometimes emailed him 3, or more times a day.  I'm surprized he didn't spam me.  I kept my Internet marketing education going strong at this time.  I must have looked pretty foolish at times...but what the HEY.., right?

I didn't know my content from Adam...not in a listed order.  To this day, I am hugely grateful to this person, but I knew that if I could hold his attention just long enough, I'd get my point across and carry that translation online.

Then...a 2nd person appeared.  He was also interested in MLM.  And a 3rd one appeared.  He was interested in MLM. So I took my Internet marketing education and carried it over to speak to the mindset of these MLM minds. 

2 of them are In Internet marketing today as a result of my "goofy articles".  They're jazzed and motivated because the truth exists.

We still work together today... and I'm pulling for them to become superaffiliates.  WORD OF CAUTION:  If you're targeting MLM for your WA promos..., MLM minds think a bit differently than affiliate marketers do.  Key right into their precise thinking by heading over to and enter MLM. You'll see all sorts of crazy, hands off marketing systems.

Because the WA systems are already here for you, you don't have to hammer it out for 3 years like I did.

Tap into the knowledge that's here.  It's a multi-million dollar site.

Use the content.  Churn it and digest it.  Play with it until you find a line of agreeable products you can promote..., then reverse engineer some of your articles.

Every article should answer a present need because most people when they hop online are frustrated with something.

How You Zero In On Hot Topics

The general article writing recipe is --

Your fingers...and lots of work.

1)  What is the person searching for?

2)  How do you suppose someone will list their pain or frustration in a search?

3)  What do you think they'll expect to find?  It has to be you and not the other guy or gal !

Spilling the Magic Beans

Here's where magic beans spill into this mystery.  Think of yourself as a private investigator.  You're out to find the ways people will list their problems in a search bar.

Then.., see if you can isolate a variety of underlying symptoms they'll often list pointing to the underlying real problem.

If you identify for that person their "real woes", you'll get offers like marriage proposals...I kid you not !

EXAMPLE:   In Internet marketing, people will usually focus on symptoms like not having the right tool...or not having the right mentor...or even not getting just the right help.  It's none of those things but our brains like tools, tools, and more tools.  The real underlying problem is "not having access to accurate Internet marketing education"!   HINT...hint.  Then..., the other Q's will be answered in due time.  See how it works?

Hot Topics Are Public Identified

Now I'm thinking about a gal who flamed me on a not so hot tutorial I formed this week.  She was focused on the symptoms I listed.

When you are new online:

* you can write

* your fingers can move

* your brain already works

* so go with what you know now and the details will become clearer over time

* the key is to keep moving..., keep actions going so the solutions will appear

* the solutions do not appear until you take action

* wrong action is far superior than NONE.

What The Public Says

I started playing with (FREE) and (FREE).  I set up 6 or 8 blogs and played with various topics to see which ones would really set my feet on fire.  It still happened to be MLM (unresolved) for a lot of people and Internet marketing (because the gurus sell us a lot of junk we don't need). That served as the fuel for my daily writing.

* If you get 0 comments on a post or even inside of your WA blog post -- people are thinking about what you've shared -- they may be neutral or it didn't trigger a present need...;

* If you hit a hot topic, you'll get a barrage of incoming buddies. The same thing happens online...;

* As shared in earlier posts, I test a lot of content inside of WA even at the risk of getting a 5 for a score...because I know that by still staying strong, I'll eventually key into the real need on any article topic...;

* Persistence wins the game in business...;

* Then I take the content I tested here inside of WA (because there's already a willing audience thanks to Kyle & Carson again)

* And.., I zero in on more relevant content for my blogger blog

* Once I really know what people need in some type of orderly fashion, I publish to my blogs (outside of WA).  I treat my blogs like "The Holy Bible".  Anything you publish there has to hit people between the eyes to make them think...;

* As you play with content and as you get responses, while this may seem like a hit or miss deal -- again -- you have to start somewhere...;

* It is by writing that you start to zero in on long-tailed keywords...keywords that are unique.


*  Then leverage the brand name, title or author inside of your keyword prhase in an unusual way...;

Oh -- one last thing.  I apologize if this reads like a newspaper.  Go into the forums and look at the learning resource center. 

People are cue-ing you into what they're trying to solve.  Sometimes, we don't have all of the answers right there and ready to publish. 

When you hit walls, we have to smash through them for you with our research. Then we report our findings based on what we know does work.

The best marketers online are active problem-solvers and researchers!

Hope that helps. 

If you sometimes feel like you're moving 1 step forward and 3 steps back, you are still progressing.

Your Internet marketing is a process. 

Please read my Live Blog & Funnel Update, Day 9 to review how you become a success in baby steps.  Success appears 1 day at a time with each small victory.

Toasting Your Success Online!


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As always lots of info to digest, thank you Barbara. the quote " money likes speed " has come to mind - think it's from T Harv Eker - so guess the leatning here is to get 'it' going asap and perfect from there