Masterful Market Positioning

Last Update: June 28, 2010

Hello, Hello WA Buddies!

Offering three points -- 1) may you be happy and diligent today! ..., 2) I've hit another brick wall with the WA blog & funnel system...but I'm working on that end to bring you LIVE updates...., and 3) today's post covers marketing in successful directions.  I promised to deliver the differences between masking a domain and shortening affiliate links so they display properly.  That content is forthcoming because it's tied into your personal security as a successful Internet marketer.  For now, let's talk about masterful market positioning, talk about what it is, then we'll talk about how it works for you.

MASTER HINT #1 ) Put yourself directly into the stream of consumption

MASTER HINT #2)  Directly create demand based on real need  (think like a hit top marketing angles, but think like a consumer to find your most successful keywords (displaying you organically on Google, page 1).

MASTER HINT #3)  Stimulate consumption (in subtle ways)

MASTER HINT #3)  Deliver high quality and supreme value. 

Masterful Market Positioning

Here's how all of my posts form.  All content is "user-generated".  When you send me an e-mail, you get published right here..., so... I will thank Ana for today's information.  This buddy has some solid ideas about health, wellness and various services, but the products leading to payment were spelled out before spelling out the sub-niche.  This is about knowing whether or not the market will demand or pay for those offers.  Therefore, the way in which this buddy will attract other people (pre-disposed to purchase what's there) is unknown. That's why we start with niche research first.  Then we look at keywords..., then we find products and services based on spoken need.

Your approach to business requires "reverse engineering" so you don't go broke.

Here's What I Want You To Do:

1) Grab some paper

2) List several ideas related to things you're "jazzed" about

3) Now find a way to take the abstract things humans want DEEP DOWN INSIDE: love, health, and wealth (or some combination thereof)...,

4) Then pull those benefits into the goodies you'll offer knowing that you intuitively know how to give them what they want at TRUE levels.

Here's why.  If I approached YOU by saying, "Okay ...Jack or Jill..., I know precisely what you get this product or buy that service"..., you'd tell me to jump in the nearest lake cuz...bkb2012.., I don't know you from Adam. Okay.  Fair enough.  So let's reverse the process.

Do you desire to be thinner, taller, richer, have more hair, build up your abs, or tone your back...or just be more lovely or more handsome? Maybe.  The only way I can know that ahead of time is to look at different segments of different markets already purchasing specific services in health & wellness (as our WA buddy desires). I'll cite my martial arts as today's example.

When people came into my school, they wanted: higher self- worth,  STATUS, BE THE HUNTED (or be leaders and black belts),  and they wanted to be TOPS but they didn't necessarily know that during day 1. 

You...the marketer... can translate these deep-seated human needs into anything you're moving.  You do it in subtle ways so that people looking at "your messages and your stuff" will see that's some connection between what they inherently want and what you can offer. 

Attract Quality, Promote Quality's the part marketers learn about the tough way.  At first, we attract people who may not or won't pay for what we offer.  Market research answers this problem BEFORE you invest time, $$, and big effort.

To attract people -- work like a dog to learn everything about your topic...or in this case...I learned a lot about martial arts. Then, I went to a high rank.  All I had to do was stay a few steps ahead of everyone else.  Then.., I shared all that I knew by offering that expertise. When people weren't happy, it was time to ask what they wanted.

The key to my success was 1 thing -- treat the customer like gold, ask them what they want, and then deliver personalized packages.  That's marketing in a nutshell. 

Messages Are Easy Once You Know

Marketing messages are clear once you know what most people buy.

You'll laugh when you read this.

In my martial arts school, the million dollar ad was --

" 7 Weeks, Unlimited Classes, FREE Uniform, No Contracts".

That's it.  I brought all of my people in the door....hundreds...and hundreds over 10 years with that message. I varied it and then I expanded on the concept to include intermediate and advanced training.

Other marketing messages included a lot of content at different belt levels people wanted -- so I sold books..., t-shirts with black belt written on the back, DVD's on How To's,  seminars, exclusive training packages, and private lessons.

This is the same course of action no matter what you're marketing.

All of the products/services were sold on the back end. Ultimately, you're generating what's called a "golden buyer list" of people who consume your best products/services but you always take care of people who make small purchases from you too. That's called, "low-hanging fruit"!!

Marketing Is Counterintuitive

Marketing boils down to these 4 Golden Principles:

1) Find your hungry market.

2) Learn precisely how they think, know what they buy, spot gaps in demand.

To fill the gaps, you offer a "cutting edge".  Very few businesses know how to do this (why???)..., because it's not rocket science.  It does take time because you're watching people and asking so many questions...all the time...and you're working to deliver.

3) Sincerely deliver huge value, provide high quality help (as I'm doing here with you) -- given at a decent price.

4) Take solid care of people. Roll out the red carpet.  Always think about how you can serve them extremely well so that they'll be clammering to come back to you.  I promise.  This works.

BONUS:  Not sure about what I'm telling you?  Stay tuned with my blog posts.  As my blog and funnel system develop, I will keep you posted.  Here's where you see Internet marketing in action.

Sculpt demand ahead of time.  Adhere to the mindset, offer products consistent with what's in that niche.


Head to your local supermarket and look at the magazines to spot these niches..., then open ...5 magazines to spot the smaller niches.  The smaller niches are the low-hanging fruits on the apple tree.  Look for ways to satisfy peoples' cravings..

Reverse Your Thinking to Get Paid

So ...going back to the WA buddy who stimluated this post, that person had solid products in mind, by listing several passions jotted onto paper, then aligning passion to suit the list.  See  which 1 or 2 items really rev up your engine with excitement!  In the daily presence of excitement, magical things happen:

* you will feel and stay motivated

* you will take "right-minded actions" -- always doing the right thing

* you will love talking about this subject 

* you will attract powerful people to you

* you will develop a quality team of people who want to market what you have.

Caution: most people new to business (offline or online) will intuitively focus on products and services they can move before they know their markets because that's the sensible way to get paid.  What they don't know is that selling is counterintuitive.  Again.., focus on asking first, find out what's bugging people, work to solve their pains, and be there. They will tell you what they want to solve.

I'll give you a one example.

I have been in the martial arts for 23 years. Because of the way people think "across the purchasing board" (all industries), they are drawn to...qualities like "status", beauty, looking-good, feeling better, feeling higher self-worth, being accepted, being popular, oh yes -- getting paid well....and being loved. [b]Focus on these key human motivators from sincere places[/b]. Then.., position yourself as a true expert.

Because people buy in the presence of true "subject" mastery., they're not usually drawn to "products" per se...unless they know and believe that a particular product will satisfy some core human need first.

So again..[b]think...status, popularity, being hunted (instead of hunting), then being asked by any 1 person..., "I have these problems. I see you're an expert..., now what do you recommend"?  That's when you'll move a product or service satisfying the customer.[/b]

Feel free to post any comments or suggestions!  If any post does not help you, we'll try another angle.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,


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