Need $$ Now??? Key Tips Turning Negatives Into Positives

Last Update: March 27, 2011

Welcome WA Buddies!

Here's the current Internet marketing scoop.  For those of us who are problem-solving in various realms (superaffiliate marketing and/or home-based business)...I will attest that we're meeting on the phones.  Some are calling these present times "state of emergency issues"...but don't let any Google changes bug you.

What's coming up is that content is still going to be the major determining source for websites.

If your content make sense and it adheres to whatever you're marketing, you'll be ok.

You will have to test your websites to find out which ones will advance.


If you are new to WA --

The reality is -- you can accomplish anything your heart desires... as long as your mind is clear about what it intends most. Think in terms of ESSENCE...not form.  This means...that you want to live life on your own terms more readily so that means that the Universe (and people in it) will be drawn to you to support that new vision.

FEEL the comfort of not having to worry about paying all of your bills.

FEEL the emotion ...where you can readily pay your fills ahead of time and even in full.  Let go of the idea that, "I only need just enough". That leaves you with "only just enough to barely pay for your life.  Think..."more than enough"...and you will build in those directions.

Kill Fear Daily

You can take any fears you initially feel in your gut on any given day and push them up to your heart center.  What this exercise does is immediately kill the illusion that you are not enough or that you don't have enough to create your success.

No matter how weird this sounds.... JUST DO IT.  Then...FEEL emotions through your heart center.  Note -- how does your body feel now?  Does it feel stronger and barely affected by the fear? 

Use the heart center to help you convert any doubts.  If it's in your head, move it down to your heart...or turn your concerns over to something greater than yourself -- whatever you call it.

Masters in many realms do this all the time.  They just don't advertise it.


Empower Yourself Daily

If you head over the "The Secret" website online, you've probably heard about this book.  Some people are drawn to it...and some aren't. 

It's important to honor yourself.

Whatever messages you're drawn to are right for you.

No one size fits everyone.

But...if you are open to "The Secret"..., there is one majorly fun exercise you'll see on that website.  It's FREE and it's a matching game designed to help you rethink outmoded (subconscious) thoughts holding you back.  This stuff works. 

If you tell yourself..."It won't work".  You have just attracted the SAME reality to soon as you made up your mind.

However, you can use the matching game at this site to re-frame your mindset.

Also reference the MASTER KEY SYSTEM at that site. Some of my most powerful marketers use these mental and heart-centered exercises I'm sharing with you now.

You should look for:

1) the pdf doc

2) the blank check 

3) the list of things to be grateful for -- this exercise opens a doorway into higher, more profitable realms where amazing people can meet you on that higher wavelength...believe it or not !

THEN  ----

It's most important that you only keep positive thoughts in your mind to guide positive actions.

In this way, you begin to create and embed a NEW REALITY FOR YOURSELF.  Change is often thought as something to be feared..when in reality...change comes to you to move you into better places.

Watch your thoughts day-by-day.


Address Negatives By Turning Them Into Positive Advantages

Here's another mastered concept.  This is something all millionaires employ.  It's called..."doing the right thing at all times for self/others".  This isn't always easy to discern because you will be surrounded by people telling you what they think you should do...when in fact...they don't even remember who they are.  I cite tapping into your highest self...or greater power...whatever you call it.

All great leaders and wealthy minds know that there is a higher power they can tap into at any create a fantastic reality.  We do it naturally everyday.

You can turn any negative reality around by altering the way you think about your world.  Your thoughts instantly attract like thoughts.

If they are will at some level...attract that reality.

Whenever you think a negative thought...STOP.

Ask yourself what you just thought.  Now take the "I Can't...or I Don't or I Don't Have" words out of that thought.

Now...reword in your mind the silent positive thought.

Restate the thought to yourself and feel how it has changed your body.  This is where negative thoughts erode your immunity...and positive ones build them back up again.

Use this exercise again and again any time negative thoughts appear in your mind.

Keep it going for days and weeks on end.

When your mind habitually brings in negative thoughts...immediately change them and reaffirm that you already have everything you need to create your success.  In due time, that reality will emerge.

Daily Walks

When you head outdoors...start to pay close attention to things that shift.  By using the word SHIFT...what I'm really saying is this --

If you keep your eyes and ears open, you will begin to see small changes in your reality.

When you are relating to other people, any negative emotions you pick up from them will usually be felt at gut level.  They have just transferred their fears over to you.

In Internet marketing, don't let the changes with Google freak you out.  Sure -- organic traffic may not be coming up as popular as it once was but it's opening a door to something greater.  Still keep your publishing going strong.


The major advantage to staying here at WA is to watch for NEW CHANGES.

STAY ACTIVE WITH STREET ZINES.  If you don't know what to publish, start free forming some ideas in a text file.  Don't worry if you're "seemingly not getting anywhere".  The key thing is to take the smallest action...and keep it going even when you have some doubts.  

Write the simplest articles you can imagine...and know that you have information tucked within you that others will want and value.

Your articles only need to be 200 or 300 words.  Even if you don't yet have a website, take action anyway. 

What you build online will fit together in due time.

  • Access the superaffiliates
  • Access the networks
  • Form buddy relationships

Write from your heart. 

The most potent messages you can ever publish will represent YOU...because there's only 1 you in the world!

There is a higher purpose for everyone on this Earth...even if you have not yet determined what that is.

It could be helping parents raise their children safely.  If it means that kids are coming online, you might know how to protect children when they're playing on the net.

It could be helping people manage their wealth or build into early wealth by buying $15 stocks.  It could be managing an estate once a family member has passed.  

It could be painting a house without wrecking the woodwork.

It could be removing a melted, plastic stain from a cotton dress using ice.

It's simple stuff like this that you want to keep in mind.

Again...make a list of anything and everything you've ever done.  Somewhere...someway...your mind will fill in the gaps at "just the right time".


More About Moving Ahead Online

In business, the steps aren't always clear at first.  The most knowledgeable people just take action.  They will have some wrong turns but they will hit successes.

As you see  me doing here...again...I am always testing content.  Some content may have nothing to do with Internet marketing...

but what you will read is "my love for you as a successful human being that you are...residing on this Earth".  This part might read crazy but when you see only the highest good in every person, your articles will reflect this vision back to others. This is what attracts others to you -- sincerity, true enthusiasm, higher purpose, and just plainly simple human love.  We all need it and want to be around it.

The content you write will pour through you when the time is right.

By focusing on things you like to do the most, you will be motivated to find the information that helps others very well.  We all naturally care about others, so what you're looking for are ways to tap into this "steam of higher consciousness".

The right emotions translate into products/services, and those efforts will later spill from your fingers.

Don't worry if someone dislikes your content.  That result only means that your messages are meant for someone else!

The right people will be with you because you will make sense to them.  


Online Brick Walls

If you're struggling with getting traffic to your website...or you're still not even sure what to market...align your natural abilities with the messages you write online.

Many superaffiliates are working together to brainstorm new possibilities.  I cite again..handheld devices as one very plausible outcome.  The Internet is not yet intuitive but it will be over time. That means that advertising will have to reflect a clearer truth.

But..., when you are even new to writing online, your earliest actions will begin to guide you in specific directions.  You'll obtain insights as you step forward.

Don't worry about how parts A, B, or C fit together.

Just keep taking action..., relate to others here and/or wherever else you feel drawn.

Reach out to I do daily.  This action helps you build a supportive network spurring and mentoring your growth onward/forward.

If your early articles don't necessarily spell out in a tidy manner just how your  INTERNET MARKETING PLANS might unfold, you're still creating a new reality.


If you are spinning your wheels...I will admit that there are 2 times every year where I close up my computer and don't work.  I will take 2 - 3 weeks off...and just work my day job to keep $$ coming in the door.


Miscellaneous Help

What I will now share takes you out of crisis into action.  I will spell out what's generally happening online and compare those results to what you can do NOW offline to bring in more $$...and to turn seemingly negative situations around into positive adventures and outcomes.

Sometimes...delays in your life simply point to layers of learning your human side is tackling.  If this doesn't make sense...I will tell you that we have a lot of people sitting in panic.  This doesn't have to hold true for you.

Online Updates

So here's what's kinda stirring up old and even new Internet marketers online.  The old stuff isn't working.  Traffic numbers are down. Some of the older methods are only producing a trickle.  This is only true as long as your mind thinks that this is the case.  I'll share more.

Master Positive Thinking And You Will Be Powerful

OK.  So at one time I told you a secret I don't tell people in person...that I was a millionaire by the time I was 30.  I'm slightly below that point for now...but my house is in the black..., I'll own it in7 years..., my investments are doing well..., and I'm saving at a time where many are not.

The answer?

Never take "NO" for any answer.

Dream big.

Take big risks...but assess also what's not working.

When you hit the wall...ask for help.

Keep expanding your networks.

Keep your mind open...and pick people's brains constantly.

Learn from their mistakes but try not to make them yourself.

If you fall down, dust yourself off and get back up again.

Love yourself no matter what.

Drop the ones who pull you down...or in the very least...send them unconditional love and then let go.

Surround yourself with other powerhouses.

Give the powerhouses time to develop new alternatives.


What's Happening Online Is This:

There's a lull in the world of home-based business

  • The Internet is cleaning up a murky pond of misleading websites/marketers from various countries and systems delivering weak goods/services to consumers
  • WA is working overtime to bring you more! 
  • Trust Kyle & Carson
  • Find networks you can afford to play in.  If it's tapping into Mark Joyner of Simpleology...he has free stuff that will keep you going.  Check out online.  Try not to buy all of this stuff.  Again...get as much free content as you can from any big whigs but stick to basic marketing inside of WA.
What's Up With Google

If you've been online for any length of time and you're already established, you're most likely protecting your lucrative niches and you're looking for additional ways to expand.

If you're new, your job will be to just keep your name out there...develop a following, and work with others to figure out what works...

A) a basic website and/or combination of affiliate sites

B) your own basic website

C) organic traffic

D) social media use

E) some of your own free reports

F) back end stuff people will want as those products/services match front end offers

G) a very hungry market that's motivated to solve their problems

H) WA study to help you fit it all together.

So what's happening with Google is this:

  • Google demands we very openly market ourselves to give consumers a strong result relative to what they're struggling to resolve
Facebook Ads
  • These are still coming up as a place where you will be able to develop additional traffic.
  • Google isn't the only game in town
  • More information will be coming as I obtain add'l updates.

If you're strapped for $$:

Keep in mind...,

  • by marketing tangible products online, they doing better (on average) than digital products...
  • we're pushed harder than ever to find out what people want..., include those findings in our ad copy, but find the optimal solutions they'll pay for and use.
Don't let any of the changes at Google determine your passion or ultimate success.

Successful Business Demands Persistence

In any  business endeavor, your challenge is to find out what's required for the industry pursuit you're working, find ways to organize those findings, and then look for programs enhancing your offers. This way, you can retain your followers.

Think in terms of solutions giving you beginning, intermediate, and long terms results.  This is very important for your overall success.

Then...think about how you'll compete in a quiet pond.

I cite marketing at local levels. This is a great place to start.  From there, you can scale your marketing upwards to later include national campaign efforts.

Your success will be determined by the number of quiet markets you can identify...and it will tie into how far you can grow your campaigns across...say...the U.S.... for example.  That's what we call, "leveraging your markets in profitable directions".

Conclusions For Now

The reality is --  even with changes online and offline, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself afloat.

1)  Some marketers will sell things from their homes that they no longer use.

I cite EBay.

It's easy to get an account there.

2) There are 4 basic 2-minute videos that show you how to get your seller accounts going.

3) Also check out PayPal for your starter account.  All directions are included in EBay's "seller program".

4) Start by selling something very small.

This is the best way to offset your financial risks so you don't end up moving things that only result in losses.

5) If you find an item someone values and will pay for, see if you can duplicate that effort again.

6) Keep your day/night job going.

The economy is recovering...but at a slower pace.  Don't let any news on the television get you down.  Most of this news reporting is designed to move products/services relative to whatever the markets are doing.

7) Pull in research from government websites.

Avoid paying $16 for Kevin Trudeau's "Free $$ Guidebook".  He's selling it online to people who need $$ now.

You can do better by looking for government grants ($$ that doesn't have to be paid back) if you're a new business owner launching your business now.

You can get renter's assistance if you've been out of work too long.

8) If you haven't been working and your Internet marketing education is taking more time than you anticipated, that's OK.  It doesn't mean you're failing.  You just need more time to figure out what's most needed.

Go where the jobs are.

If it means picking up a part-time job at any of your local stores, many businesses hire in the Spring.  The first quarter is slow for retail industries. The second quarter improves even for manufacturing...and in financial realsm, business picks up from March to May. 

When you are motivated to fulfill your dreams, you won't rule out any actions.

Lastly, hold your head up high.  

Internet marketers do what's required to keep their businesses going.  If it means that you have to cut some monthly expenses, the one you don't want to cut is your Internet marketing education.  It's that important. 

Your time is coming if you keep your dreams alive and never give up.  One final point -- never let the negativity of anyone determine your success.   I speak from experience on that last point.  Anyone who says something can't be done will be the one person who didn't get it done for whatever reason. This is the key to true millionaire and billionaire success.  You can create true wealth in life but you won't have to rip people off to get it!

Supporting Your Success...Absolutely!






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jatdebeaune Premium
That was beautiful Barbara, as usual. Thank you for putting truth out there, and always writing about what is important. I also believe and practice the law of attraction, which has made a huge difference in my life. Because we're all human, sometimes we slip back in order to move forward. It's OK. Keep going in a positive direction and create the good stuff.
avilanch2001 Premium
Awesome post. The coolest part I think is the Indigo ties I see in there. I love it inspirational and awesome. Kind of gives me a boost and a reminder of somethings that I have forgotten about myself and my calling. This is one im gonna have to bookmark.
KandS256 Premium
Thank you, very inspirational and true!
Sherion Premium
Over 3000 words that made my day. You are always so inspiring to me. I sent you a little gold again. Thanks for this post.