Newbies: SEO People VS. IM

Last Update: July 22, 2010

New WA Members,

Here's non-tekkie content you can use.  This blog post covers some news about SEO people and Internet marketing (IM).  The two are inter-related.  Do if you are approached by an SEO expert telling you that you don't need Internet marketing, here are tidbits you might consider.  I begin with what SEO is without getting into very techical aspects.

SEO  = search engine optimization = getting found by major search engines somewhere on page 1.

Do I Need a Top Ranking? 

Some say yes for the reason that you get many of the clicks. You also get non-players who are just running up your advertising bill because they're bored at 1 am.

Some say why pay your way to the top when you can get a natural listing (which is FREE and time-consuming).  Natural traffic builds long-term credibility and gets you higher page rank at low cost clicks. If you're like me, I don't want to pay for tire kickers.  I'd rather assume a natural listing so that people will have to hunt for me a little bit.  That way I can test their resolve.

Appearing on page one with Google requires a multi-disciplinary approach if you're after a business you can enjoy.

Do SEO Folks Deliver On Their Promises ?

I've heard mixed reviews.

Admittedly, you do need Internet marketing education because Google just demands so much more from marketers than they did even 2 years ago.  This is true because when you have to rich content and a solid infrastructure developed, you can handle the work load.

Yes -- you must eventually own a website with at least a powerful blog, carrying products at layered price points on the back end. You want lower cost items and more.

So we've had one of our buddies ask, "Do I use SEO guys or go through IM even though it's taking me more time"?  Here's what past experience has taught me (sometimes too painfully).

1) I hire experts to train me, I work diligently in the IM studies (getting certified in article marketing and pay-per-click), getting as much as I can from WA + other resources.  Read on to find out more.

How Marketing Plans Develop:

* I am developing my own content management system (a powerful tool), and more.  

* I am working with an attorney in Internet marketing to show small businesses what's involved in going online.  We have many businesses who don't know how to put the numbers in their favor to "make the phone ring"...or to even "build their clientelle lists".  Is this profitable.  Heck yeah.  This is something you can live on while you're expanding your Internet marketing learning.  All top marketers will do this.

* I am building a supersite for offline marketers who become Internet affiliates and product creators. 

* Someday  soon, I will teach this stuff offline.

If you want profitable numbers in business, you need very concrete specifics...such as you see at WA...where they give you the simple math to help you get what you want most.  This simple math has helped me develop the other plans !!!  

Without WA, I would not be developing at the pace I formerly imagined.

2) But.., if you're pulled in many directions, it's usually because you don't yet know what you want so you have to write every small detail down on paper.

Be certain that wherever you go, go to people who generate revenue consistently online. They do it using ethical (white-hat) marketing.  SEO folks should be big on giving Google what they demand so if they try to sell you a lot on the backend (as all businesses do), try to keep your credit card on ice.  Make certain that what you buy will be done with complete clarity.

3) You don't have to pay multiple thousands to learn IM the proper way.  Some of this content is repeated in prior posts. Can you learn SEO.  Sure, but I would blend it with marketing.  Marketing is another very old business consumers don't realize. It's right up there with "the oldest business" I can't mention here.  But...,

4) I keep WA as my main source of content because no one teaches IM as thoroughly as this place does...

You can harness the power of Travis Sego (Bum Marketer -- one of our WA superaffiliates).

Kevin Riley is tops in product creation...until WA expands the knowledge base further here.  All great things come in due time.  I know they're already doing this because you can see that they too have a marketing plan.

Ed Dale has streamlined his 30 Day Challenge connected to Marketing Samurai -- keyword research software that is not easy to first learnForget his Immediate Edge.  It doesn't get you there because there's no magic bullet.   It takes major time to figure out many software programs on the IM market.  If you're not adept in keyword research, then using WA tools is far easier on you.  To get that tool to work, pull up proven keywords Kyle & Carson use in their online campaigns by Googling them. Then hit enter to see how the tool works.  It will blow your mind.  Pair those findings up with article research and see what you get like a, "start writing now" flag !!!

If you're new to WA,  get affordable IM content  + FREE stuff you already find  here.  Keep notes.  Bookmark the FREE resources.  Don't pay $5,000 for some cruddy program promising the moon.  It really grabs me to see people promoting junk for a lot of $$.

IM can potentially be very lucrative once you see it clearly and will spell out several plans (owning your own website, setting up small businesses online in your local area, and running multiple national campaigns).

If you want to know more about how to set up action plans along 4 distinct lines, feel free to e-mail me.  I can tell you what the price points are, and I can tell you which skills you'll need.  It's not as hard as people make it all sound.

BUT ...,  be certain the SEO folks have experts available in ad copy, website design, videos, UTubes, social networking (for free traffic), article marketing, data capture (storing people's information in the autoresponder to build your list of contacts).  SEO in itself is not enough. Sure you can have a website but without traffic, you might as well be standing in the desert.

You need keywords that pay, lots of available help, and a supportive team and access to ongoing resources. 

5) If you should stay here, you have friends for life.

I'm big on teamwork and loyalty.  But..., there are major ways to put yourself out there.  The key is to get your hands on the right marketing plan (I call substantial leveraging). 

You want to be valuable to others.  That's the only reason they'll hire you repeatedly.

I pull in MBA content to empower those on my team, bringing them into their own CEO-ship and personal mastery, but it's also very important you follow all instructions Kyle & Carson outline.  They know their stuff and they're indexed everywhere online.  I have spent considerable time locating them in many arenas.

Just take good care of yourself if you leave the safer enclave of WA (something I personally will not do).  There are many who claim to teach IM, but they just set you up for purchasing their expensive websites which do very little for you.  I learned this lesson the tough way.

To be profitable in IM, you must position your name.  That's how purchasing psychology works with people.  They want the experts.  They don't want trainees.  So...pick the top pros.  Work with them closely and be the best at whatever it is you do.  You owe that much to yourself and other people.

Toasting Your Success,


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jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, Just like all of your posts, this one is excellent and chock full of information and points to ponder. I'm with you on teamwork and loyalty. WA is like the best possible insiders' club. I also blew a wad on IM mentoring. I'm sure most of them know their business very well, but they were more interested in separating me from my money, than in seeing me succeed. I did manage to learn stuff, but it wasn't enough. BTW, I especially like your Bailey's Irish Creme and ice cream blog.