Old Computer Holding You Back? Use the Library

Last Update: July 26, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

I'd like to address something I see in a lot of new marketers.  It's fear and lack of know-how.  I say this again...always with care. 

When you get your hands on a legitimate business model (and that's Internet marketing learned proper), you'll be motivated to work everything out.

One of the things experienced entrepreneurs know is --

"Get your hands on solid information that makes sense,  make sure it's proven and legit, then work like mad to make it happen".

They don't question themselves or even doubt themselves because they know in due time that if they keep on working and develop a smart business and marketing plan, they can't miss.  It is inevitable.

Here's something else they know.

1) Never question that you don't have something valuable to contribute.  No matter what it is, you'll have expertise someone else doesn't have.

Successful entrepreneurs never doubt this reality for a moment. They know it is FACT.

2) Never let anything or anyone stand in your way.

People who immediately say, "I can't do X, Y, or Z" put road blocks up before themselves.

Instead, use a logical approach.  Don't let fear ever stand in your way.

When you don't know what to do, find the expertise.  Ask, and then go for it.

3) I Have A Cruddy Computer...Now What?

Ok.  I'm playing a game with you today.  To challenge this thought, I left the comfort of my home and went to my local public library.

Then.., I logged into WA.

I have a 15-minute limit on this computer and look at what I'm doing.

A) Pick a solid plan of attack like reading content from the 8-week plan..., reading content from WA buddies offering regular posts, or just "taking it all in".  Please..for your greatest good, don't be in a rush.  Like any new career, it takes time to develop skills people will happily pay for, and also remember that if it takes you a year or so to figure out the basics, you are learning at your own pace.

B) Work your blog. 

Why?  HINT: There's already major traffic here. Your blog is your personalized advertisement.  That's all it is.

C) Keep working on your profile and form blog posts along sensible topic lines related to business and Internet marketing

If you're saying, "BUT..., I don't know what to write".

STOP RIGHT THERE.  You've just thought a limiting thought.  Now...reprogram it right away by telling yourself, "this is only fear telling me I need to get more information in place".

And remember..., you're inside of a place that has some of the most extensive information available anywhere (and this place tops universities online now teaching Internet marketing).

Open your mind.   Tell yourself, "I can do this". Don't question it.  Take it as fact.  Use this exercise daily.


Something magical begins to happen when you put motion behind your thoughts.  Do you know what it is?  If you can accept that at some levels you don't always understand (up front), you create your reality.

Your thoughts and ACTIONS attract new people, events, and information to you so that you can realize your  new business.  Now...let your mind accept this reality without question.  If your internal critic rears it's ugly head and says, "But...I can't do this...or I can't do that".  Again.  Stop.  Tell that critic to take a metaphoric back seat in your entrepreneurial car.  Your core self is in charge -- not that negative self.  (Keep this exercise going daily because it means the difference between succeeding or giving up.)


Find some content that jazzes you up inside of WA.

It doesn't matter what it is as long as it trips your trigger.

Now get that content.

Pull up a notepad or just go right into your blog by forming a new post.

Now when you find that new content..., do your best to write what you see in your own words.  Then.., as you do so you'll want to insert your personality into that content.

Hit save.

If there's a typo anywhere, go back and hit edit on the new post you just formed.

D)  Sign your post with something catchy, and add your name.

E)   Now.., if you have a cruddy computer you can work it at home or you can leave it at home and move through this exercise at the library.

Here's what people don't realize about business.  If you want something bad enough, you'll find creative ways to "go around your challenges".

If you have kids at home who are "driving you crazy" for the summer, find a sitter for a few hours.  If they're older, turn off all distractions and head to the library.

I know about some people who have made fortunes from their local libraries... just because they decided that no matter what -- they would find a way to make everything work out.

You know what?  They succeeded.

Try this exercise for yourself.  You'll sit in air conditioning and you'll get a ton of work done without excuses.

Stay tuned for more content.  I'm working with the WA Blog & Funnel System.  Some days -- the server works.  Some days -- it doesn't.   So go around the challenge and write some content or connect to buddies.

Last comment -- those who succeed at this work head to the forums to help others.  Just pick 20 minutes a day and reach out to someone else.  You'll be amazed what you learn about other people -- and most of it is very, very good news!

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,












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NEA03 Premium
I'm definitely gonna have to come back here often and read this. Thanks. -Irma
jatdebeaune Premium
Nice blog. Excellent advice. Thank you. The library is a great place to work. Phone doesn't ring. Nobody bothers you. And there is so much information. Much better than sitting in front of the computer.